List of Journals


Below is the list of the journal, please click the link to review it:

  1. Property Management

  2. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management

  3. International Journal of Strategic Property Management

  4. Intellectual Property Quarterly

  5. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction

  6. Journal of Property Management: the official publication of the Institute of Real Estate Management

  7. Academy of Management Journal

  8. Academy of Management Learning and Education

  9. Academy of Management Review

  10. Accident Analysis and Prevention

  11. Accounting, Organizations and Society

  12. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction

  13. Administrative Science Quarterly

  14. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

  15. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

  16. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

  17. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics

  18. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

  19. American Journal of Public Health

  20. American Journal of Sociology

  21. Annals of Applied Statistics

  22. Annals of Tourism Research

  23. Annual Review of Psychology

  24. Annual Review of Sociology

  25. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory

  26. Automation in Construction

  27. Biometrika

  28. Biostatistics

  29. British Tax Review

  30. Cambridge Law Journal

  31. Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR)

  32. Decision Sciences

  33. Decision Support Systems

  34. Econometric Theory

  35. Econometrica

  36. Economic Theory

  37. Energy Economics

  38. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice

  39. Environment and Planning A

  40. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design

  41. European Economic Review

  42. European Journal of Information Systems

  43. European Journal of Marketing

  44. European Journal of Operational Research

  45. Experimental Economics

  46. Games and Economic Behavior

  47. Gender & Society

  48. Global Environmental Change

  49. Health Economics

  50. Human Relations

  51. Industrial and Labor Relations Review

  52. Industrial Marketing Management

  53. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society

  54. Information and Management

  55. Information and Organization

  56. Information Systems Journal

  57. International Economic Review

  58. International Journal of Hospitality Management

  59. International Journal of Production Economics

  60. International Journal of Research in Marketing

  61. Journal of Accounting and Economics

  62. Journal of Accounting Research

  63. Journal of Applied Econometrics

  64. Journal of Applied Psychology

  65. Journal of Banking and Finance

  66. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics

  67. Journal of Business Venturing

  68. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics

  69. Journal of Conflict Resolution: Research on war and peace between and within nations

  70. Journal of Corporate Finance

  71. Journal of Development Economics

  72. Journal of Econometrics

  73. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

  74. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

  75. Journal of Economic Growth

  76. Journal of Economic Theory

  77. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

  78. Journal of Financial Economics

  79. Journal of Financial Intermediation

  80. Journal of Financial Markets

  81. Journal of Health Economics

  82. Journal of International Business Studies

  83. Journal of International Economics

  84. Journal of Labor Economics

  85. Journal of Management

  86. Journal of Management Studies

  87. Journal of Monetary Economics

  88. Journal of Operations Management

  89. Journal of Organizational Behavior

  90. Journal of Political Economy

  91. Journal of Product Innovation Management

  92. Journal of Public Economics

  93. Journal of Retailing

  94. Journal of Service Research

  95. Journal of Sport Management

  96. Journal of Strategic Information Systems

  97. Journal of Sustainable Tourism

  98. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

  99. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology

  100. Journal of the American Statistical Association
