+603-26154630 noraimi.kl@utm.my

Book Chapters

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
-ISBN978- 3-540- 38084-9 Multimedia Prototype of a Bilingual Model Within Technology Based Learning Environment: An Implementation of a Mathematics Learning Framework


  1. Jurnal Juteks 2007 – Sciences and Technology College – ECG Signatures Analysis.1. Jurnal Juteks 2007 – Sciences and Technology College – ECG Signatures Analysis.
  2. Dahlan Z., Shafie N., Rashid R.A.-Second International Congresson Mathematical Software ICMS’2006 – Multimedia Prototype of a Bilingual Model within Technology Based Learning Environment: An Implementation of a Mathematics Learning Framework.
  3. N. Shafie , M. Z. Adam and H. Abas -Al-Quran Recitation Speech Signals Time Series Segmentation for Speaker Adaptation using Dynamic Time Warping. In The 7th International Conference on Information Technology and Multimedia, 2017 (pp. 1–10).
  4. N Shafie, MZ Adam, H Abas -The model of Al-Quran recitation evaluation to support in Da’wah Technology media for self-learning of recitation using mobile apps. 3rd International Seminar on Da’wah . pp. 1–10, 2017.
  5. N Shafie, MZ Adam, Daud,S.M., H Abas A Model of Correction Mapping for Al-Quran Recitation Performance Evaluation Engine, 5th International Research and Innovation,2017.
  6. Shafie, N., M. Z. Adam, and H. Abas. “Al-Quran Recitation Speech Signals Time Series Segmentation for Speaker Adaptation using Dynamic Time Warping.” Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 10.2S (2018): 126-137.
  7. Shafie, N., M. Z. Adam, and H. Abas. “Al-Quran Recitation Speech Signals Time Series Segmentation for Speaker Adaptation using Dynamic Time Warping.” Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 10.2S (2018): 126-137.
  8. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK FOR PREDICTING OIL PIPELINE CONDITION SSA Zuhairey, H Abbas, A Azizan, N Shafie. (2019)e- Proceedings of 2nd Connect-Us Conference (CuC 2019)
  9. Hybrid Renewable Energy Power System Model Based on Electrification Requirements of One Fathom Bank Malaysia S Sarip, CG Abdullah, N Shafie, NAN Mahadzir, F Yakob, MZ Hassan Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , 2018
  10. N.Shafie, MZ.Adam, H.Abas, A.Azizan, Sequential Classification for Articulation and Co- Articulation Classes of al-Quran Syllables Pronunciations Based on GMM-MLLR Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) (2020)
  11. Title: Small Scale Standalone Solar and Tidal Hybrid Power System in Isolated Area Corresponding Author: Dr hazilah mad kaidi, Co-Authors: cassandra abdullah; Shamsul Sarip; Noraimi Shafie(Journal: Energy-2020)