2020. SC Future Ready Educator (FREE) Sharing Session – “How to Constructively Align your Course Assessment using Multiple Choice Questions with Bloom Taxonomy: Do(s) and Don’t(s)”
2022. SC Future Ready Educator (FREE) Group Sharing Session ~ How to supervise Software Engineering (SE) Final Year Project (FYP/PSM) students for future supervisors? 
2021. UTM OLC Sharing Session~ Using Discord during Remote Teaching for Learners Active Engagement
2022. SC Future Ready Educator (FREE) Sharing Session: How to Re-design and Revise Course Information (CI) elements: CLO, TLA, AT & SLT – with Constructive Alignment?

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How to download (limited access) papers from UTM PSZ Online Database – IEEE Xplore?
Refer to step-by-step guidelines to download limited access IEEE papers from UTM PSZ Online Database at IEEE Xplore. Click to download.
Handbook for the CPRE Foundation Level
This document contains 139 pages with detailed information about the coverage and syllabus for Certificate Professional Requirements Engineering (CPRE) Foundation Level (FL) according to the IREB Standard (November 2020 version 1.0.0). Click to download.
Software Engineering (SE)-Project-oriented Problem-based Learning (PoPbL) approach © IP/CR/2016/0894. Malaysia
1. Introduction
This research fosters a Project-oriented Problem-based Learning (PoPbL) pedagogy model adapted in teaching and learning environment (T&L) mainly for Software Engineering (SE) courses in School of Computing, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The introduced PoPbL approach is synchronized with New Academia Learning Innovation (NALI) aspiration in UTM; where the generic SE-PoPbL framework is tailored-design to ensure the future software engineer is trained within the realistic settings of actual software development projects. The main inspiration of generic SE-PoPbL framework is to expose learners in solving replicated real-world case study problems with the aim of developing the learners’ professional skills and technical skills in the project-orientation and teamwork settings. The significant innovation of generic SE-PoPbL approach is; it was designed so that the model can be assimilated into different SE courses in micro or inter-level implementation.
2. Methods
PoPbL approach is an adoption from the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy model which comprises the same three inter-related elements, namely: problems, project and teamwork. In addition, PBL educational learning principles such as cognitive learning, collaborative approach and content approach are also applied in the designed PoPbL approach. Figure 1 visualizes the three main stages namely: onset, execution and closure; and the corresponding activities and evaluations for each stage in the SE-PoPbL.
Generic PoPbL framework for Software Engineering (SE) course is introduced in the earlier work to promote effective pedagogy model that generically tailored to different courses implementation in SE education. The SE-PoPbL framework is also designed based on fundamental theories and concepts SDLC, which comprises of requirements engineering, analysis, design, development, testing, deployment and evolution. The designed generic POPBL framework consists of three stages: onset, execution, and closure stages. Each stage has its own tasks to be executed in order to have a systematic PoPbL implementation, which are sequentially arranged directly from the software development life cycles (SDLC) phases. The project is conducted in stages (1 to n assignments) with gradual increase in complexity. The overall project is mapped to the designed curriculum and course syllabus.
Since its implementation in 2012, two remarkable improvements can be seen for generic SE-PoPbL framework. First expansion is to incorporate a dynamic project element that is capable to “listen” to the new demands from the industry and academia. Second potential expansion is to integrate professional skills element, instead of focusing to the technical competencies and personal (generic) skills. Both expansions could be successfully realized by incorporating collaborative case study integration into different SE courses for PoPbL implementation. Figure 2 portrays the important finding from the results of inventing collaborative case study into SE (Introduction) and Software Modeling &Requirements Engineering (SMRE) courses.
3. Related Achievements for SE-PoPbL Implementation
- November 2017 – Gold Medal & Best of the Best Award, The 4th International Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo (I-PHEX 2017). Award given by The International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) and The Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM). (https://news.utm.my/2017/12/utm-researchers-won-best-of-the-best-and-gold-awards-at-i-phex-2017/)
- June 2017 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Citra Karisma 2017 Teaching Award, Category: Science and Technology (http://registrar.utm.my/citrakarisma2017/keputusan/)
- August 2016 – Bronze Medal, The 3rd International Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo (I-PHEX 2016). Award given by The International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) and The Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM). (https://news.utm.my/2016/08/three-utm-researchers-won-gold-awards-at-i-phex-2016/)
Intellectual Property:
Copyright Project-oriented Problem-based Learning for Software Engineering Courses © IP/CR/2016/0894. Malaysia
- Embedding Design Thinking in Project-oriented Problem-based Learning Approach in Software Engineering Courses. In Proceedings of New Academia Learning Innovation (NALI) NALI2018 Exhibition and Competition. Skudai Johor, Malaysia: UTM Academic Leadership (UTMLead), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. (to be published)
- Incorporation of Collaborative Project in Project-Oriented Problem-Based Learning for Software Engineering Courses. In Proceedings Of New Academia Learning Innovation (NALI) Symposium 2018 (pp. 63–66). Skudai Johor, Malaysia: UTM Academic Leadership (UTMLead), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
- Adaptation of Project-Oriented Problem-Based Framework for Teaching Computer Programming, The 7th IEEE World Engineering Education Forum 2017 (WEEF’17), November 2017, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (to be published)
- Integrating Collaborative Case Study in Project-Oriented Problem-Based Learning Approach For Software Engineering Courses, The 4th International Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo (I-PHEX 2017), November 2017, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
- Incorporation of Generic Project-Oriented Problem-Based Learning (PoPbL) Framework into Software Engineering (SE) Education, The 3rd International Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo (I-PHEX 2016), August 2016, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
- Generic Framework Design of Project-Oriented Problem-Based Learning (POPBL) for Software Engineering Courses, The 8th IEEE Malaysian Software Engineering Conference (MySEC’14), September 2014, Langkawi Malaysia
- Implementation of Project Oriented Problem Based Learning (POPBL) in Introduction to Programming Course, International Research Symposium on Problem Based Learning (IRSPBL) 2013, July 2-3, 2013, Putrajaya, Malaysia
- The Design and Implementation Of Problem-Oriented Project-Based Learning (POPBL) For Software Engineering (SE) Courses, Innovative Learning Styles for Higher Education Learners, CTL-Instructional Design Grant (IDG) Book Chapter, Penerbit UTM (to be published)
Research Grants – UTM Instructional Development Grant (IDG):
- Integration of Meeting-Flow (MF) Approach in Generic Project-Oriented Problem-Based Learning (PoPbL) Framework to Support Collaborative Learning in Teaching Requirements Engineering Course (2016-2018)
- Adapting Moodle eLearning Modules in the Generic Framework of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Project-Oriented (PO) Integration Approach for Core Software Engineering Courses (2014-2016)
- Implementation of Problem-Oriented Project-Based Learning (POPBL) for Software Engineering (SE) Students using State-of-the-Art CASE Tool (2012-2013)
Industry and external agencies collaborations:
- Prototype Development Of Iskandar Malaysia Ecolife Challenge (IMELC) Knowledge Portal Symposium 2018:
- Stakeholders: Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), Johor State Education Department, UTM IMELC Project Manager
- Integrating collaborative case study of IMELC for Project-oriented Problem-based Learning (PoPbL) implementation in SCSJ2203 Software Engineering and SCSJ2253 Requirements Engineering and Software Modeling courses for Sem 2, 2017/2018 Session, March 2018.
- Retrieve from URL: https://people.utm.my/photos/?p=29984
- Alpha-User Acceptance Testing (UAT) workshop for Multi-Platform Mobile Application of Dengue-Vector Control, May 2018:
- Stakeholder: Vector Unit, Johor Bahru District Health Office (Malaysia Ministry of Health). • Involving undergraduate final year students and Master (by research) students.
- Retrieve from URL: https://people.utm.my/photos/?p=29889
- Stakeholders Brainstorming and Elicitation Workshop for Iskandar Malaysia Ecolife Challenge (IMELC) Online Portal for Low Carbon Education:
- Stakeholders: Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), Johor State Education Department, UTM IMELC Project Manager
- Integrating collaborative case study of IMELC for Project-oriented Problem-based Learning (PoPbL) implementation in SCSJ2203 Software Engineering and SCSJ2253 Requirements Engineering and Software Modeling courses for Sem 2, 2017/2018 Session, March 2018.
- Retrieve from URL: https://people.utm.my/photos/?p=29697
- Alpha-User Acceptance Testing (UAT) workshop for Multi-Platform Application of Dengue-Entomological Surveillance (DES) system, April 2017:
- Stakeholder: Entomology Unit, Johor Bahru District Health Office (Malaysia Ministry of Health) • Involving undergraduate final year students and Master (by research) students.
- Retrieve from URL: https://people.utm.my/photos/?p=25300
- Stakeholders Elicitation Workshop Development of Application for Dengue Communication for behavioural impact (COMBI) Promotional Unit to the society:
- Stakeholder: Mr Habel Hisham, Health Education Officer, from COMBI Promotional Unit, Johor Bahru District Health Office (Malaysia Ministry of Health)
- Course SCSJ2203 Software Engineering, Semester 02 2016/2017 (Section 07)
- Retrieve from URL: https://people.utm.my/photos/?p=25189
- Stakeholders Elicitation Workshop Development of Application for Search & Destroy of Aedes Breeding Sites and Enforcement operations, March 2017:
- Stakeholder: Mr Mohd Raziz Rahim, Assistant Officer Public Health, from Vector Unit Johor Bahru District Health Office (Malaysia Ministry of Health)
- Integrating collaborative case study of IMELC for Project-oriented Problem-based Learning (PoPbL) implementation in SCSJ2203 Software Engineering and SCSJ2253 Requirements Engineering and Software Modeling courses for Sem 2, 2017/2018 Session.
- Retrieve from URL: https://people.utm.my/photos/?p=25274
- Field Simulation for Sentinel Ovitrap Installation – Fieldwork Observation and Data Collection at Desa Perumahan Bakti, UTM:
- Stakeholder: Entomology Unit, Johor Bahru District Health Office (Malaysia Ministry of Health) for Research Collaboration of Multi-Platform Application of Dengue-Entomological Surveillance (DES) system
- Involving final year undergraduate student: Tan Wee Quan.
- Retrieve from URL: https://people.utm.my/photos/?p=22180
- Stakeholder Elicitation Workshop for Disaster Management System, Mar 2016:
- Stakeholder: Mr Lokman Hakim Mohamad Azli, Technology Consultant from Infinite Logix Sdn Bhd
- Project-oriented Problem-based Learning (PoPbL) implementation in SCSJ2253 Requirements Engineering and Software Modelling course, Semester 02 2015/2016 (Section 01 & 02)
- Retrieve from URL: https://people.utm.my/photos/?p=21602
CPRE Exam Re-sit
- Test Venue: Enterprise 4, Technology Park Malaysia , Bukit Jalil
- Test Time : 3.00pm -5.00pm
- Choice of date:
- 30 Dec 2016
- 27 Jan 2017
- Terms and conditions:
- MSTB shall sponsor students the exam fee for re-sit only. Other expenses such as travelling or accommodation shall be bear by the students.
- This Re-sit program is only for students who are still studying at the respective university. Those students who have graduated are NOT eligible for this free resit.
- Please register and complete the exam form and submit to Norazura Md Saad <azura@mstb.org> latest by 15 Dec 2016. Form 1 & Form 2 (cc to me for record noraini_ib@utm.my)
Protected: Teaching: SCSJ2253 Requirements Engineering & Software Modeling (Semester 2016/2017-01) SPACE KL
Teaching: SCSD2613 System Analysis & Design (Section 02, Semester 2016/2017-01)
Meeting 1 : 07 September 2016
- SCSD2613 (Section 02) Course Outline
- SCSD2613 (Section 02) Course Entry Survey
- URL for Index Learning Style (ILS) online survey : http://www.engr.ncsu.edu/learningstyles/ilsweb.html
- Your ILS result
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- Final Exam Tips