Category Archives: Other

Course on Blog @UTMLEAD

I enrolled for blogging course today. I want to try using social media in my teaching. I was told it is the trend now.  It is an important tool to attract your students to come to your class. Sources: … Continue reading

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Theoretical and experimental evaluation of mass transfer limitation in gas phase dehydration of glycerol to acrolein over supported HSiW catalyst

Abstract: Experimental and theoretical studies were performed to evaluate the existence of internal and external mass transfer limitations in the gas phase glycerol dehydration to acrolein over supported HSiW catalyst. In the experimental method, the internal and external diffusions were … Continue reading

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Thermo-kinetic and diffusion studies of glycerol dehydration to acrolein using HSiW-γ-Al2O3 supported ZrO2 solid acid catalyst.

Abstract: The thermo-kinetic study of gas-phase glycerol dehydration reaction using a supported g-Al2O3 nanoparticle based solid catalyst (SiW20-Al/Zr10) has been investigated. The kinetic model was established based on the reaction mechanism, taking into account two parallel reactions of glycerol degradation … Continue reading

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Optimization of biomass conversion to levulinic acid in acidic ionic liquid and upgrading of levulinic acid to ethyl levulinate.

Abstract: Levulinic acid (LA) is a versatile platform chemical that can be derived from biomass as an alternative to fossil fuel resources. Herein, the optimization of LA production from glucose and oil palm fronds (OPF) catalyzed by an acidic ionic … Continue reading

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LINKS : ICHEME Website  The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) is the global professional membership organisation for chemical, biochemical and process engineers and other professionals involved in the chemical, process and bioprocess industries. With a membership exceeding 44,000 members in over … Continue reading

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JOURNAL ISI Journal :     Asif H Koja, Muhammad Tahir, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin 2017). Dry reforming of Methane Using Different Dielectric Materials and DBD Plasma Reactor Configurations. In press, Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier, (I.F 4.512, Q1)   … Continue reading

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Welcome 2017

Hope to have a successful 2017.

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Hello 2014!

Welcome to Faculty of Chemical Engineering, UTM Sites. This is the first time i writing a blog to keep my memories in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) . I will keep blogging to update my life here.

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