Photocatalytic Carbon Dioxide and Methane Reduction to Fuels over La-Promoted Titanium Dioxide Nanocatalyst.


Selective photocatalytic carbon dioxide (CO2) reforming of methane (CH4) to carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons over lanthanum loaded titanium dioxide (La/TiO2) nanoparticles has been investigated. TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) with different La-loadings were synthesised using sol-gel method. The catalysts were characterised using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Pure crystallite and anatase phase TiO2 with hindered charge recombination were detected in the La-loaded TiO2 samples. The products obtained were mainly CO, followed by ethane (C2H6) and traces of propane (C3H8). Pure TiO2 was favourable for CO evolution, while La-loaded TiO2 samples promoted hydrocarbons formation. The 2 wt% La/TiO2 photocatalyst conferred the maximum C2H6 yield of 492.8 µmole/g-cat at CO2/CH4 feed ratio 1.0 and irradiation time 2 h. The enhanced photocatalytic performance can be attributed to efficient reactant adsorption with hindered charge recombination rate in the presence of La-metal.

  1. Beenish Tahir, Muhammad Tahir, and Nor Aishah Saidina Amin (2017). Photocatalytic Carbon Dioxide and Methane Reduction to Fuels over La-Promoted Titanium Dioxide Nanocatalyst. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56, 1123-1128. DOI: 10.3303/CET1756188
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Ethanol Steam Reforming for Renewable Hydrogen Production over La-Modified TiO2 Catalyst

Abstract :

In recent years, ethanol steam reforming (ESR) has received considerable attention as a promising route for cleaner H2 production. This process could be industrially advantageous, ideally yielding 6 moles of H2 per mole of ethanol reacted. The major drawbacks of the process are the endothermic nature of the reaction and presence of CO2 in the product. At low temperatures (below 500 ºC), side reactions that yield alternative products such as acetic acid, acetaldehyde and ethylene are favoured. Besides promoting ESR, higher temperatures make the process costly for an industrial development while promoting CO, CO2 and coke formation, which is the main cause of catalyst deactivation. In this study, a series of La-loaded TiO2 catalysts were prepared by an impregnation-co-precipitation method, La being a well-known inhibitor of CO and CO2 formation. Catalytic ethanol steam reforming was conducted in a tubular fixed bed reactor operated at 1 atm, 500 ºC and an ethanol/water molar feed ratio of 10:1. The influence of La-loading on inhibiting coke formation and selectivity towards hydrogen formation by ethanol steam reforming has been investigated. The catalytic performance of La-loaded TiO2 catalyst was found to be considerably higher when compared to the pure TiO2. At 10 % La loading, ethanol conversion of ~27.5 % was achieved with a H2 mole fraction of 0.53. Significant amounts of valuable products such as CH4 and C2H4 were also detected in the product mixture. More importantly, CO was not detected over La-loaded TiO2 catalyst, which confirmed its ability for minimizing coke formation. This development has confirmed improved efficiency of La/TiO2 catalyst toward renewable
hydrogen production

  1. William Mulewaa, Muhammad Tahir, and Nor Aishah Saidina Amin (2017). Ethanol Steam Reforming for Renewable Hydrogen Production over La-Modified TiO2 Catalyst. Chemical EngineeringTransactions, 56, 349-354.  DOI: 10.3303/CET1756059
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The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) is the global professional membership organisation for chemical, biochemical and process engineers and other professionals involved in the chemical, process and bioprocess industries. With a membership exceeding 44,000 members in over 120 countries, and offices in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and the UK; IChemE aims to be the organisation of choice for chemical engineers.

We promote competence and a commitment to best practice, advance the discipline for the benefit of society and support the professional development of our members. We are the only organisation licensed to award Chartered Chemical Engineer and Professional Process Safety Engineer status.


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Nano Malaysia




“Nanotechnology development would be given priority and be made one of the resources of the country’s new economic model. Thus, it is important for Malaysia to not be left behind in the field of nanotechnology and we have decided to give it importance…”

In the National Innovation Council meeting on the 29th of October 2009 chaired by the Right Honorable Prime Minister, Nanotechnology was identified as one of the new growth engines for the New Economic Model (NEM).

On the 14th of February 2011, the National Innovation Council convened and agreed that a nanotechnology commercialisation agency was needed and corresponding activities must be aligned with Agensi Inovasi Malaysia’s (AIM) initiatives.

NanoMalaysia Berhad was incorporated in 2011 as a company limited by guarantee (CLG) under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) to act as a business entity entrusted with nanotechnology commercialisation activities. Some of its roles include:

  • Commercialisation of Nanotechnology Research and Development
  • Industrialisation of Nanotechnology
  • Facilitation of Investments in Nanotechnology
  • Human Capital Development in Nanotechnology
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The Institute of Engineers, Malaysia


The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) was established in 1959 and its primary function is to promote and advance the science and profession of engineering in any or all of its disciplines and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas related to engineering.

The governing body of the IEM is the Council, headed by the President. The affairs of the Council are carried out by the Executive Committee comprising the President, Deputy President, seven Vice Presidents, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and five members elected from the Council. Operations are supported by a full time Secretariat.

Membership of the Institution is currently about 30,000 and the growth rate is about 10% per annum making it one of the largest professional organization in the country. In order to support the needs of members, the IEM has 8 Standing Committees to attend to the different administrative functions of the Institution. To support the multidisciplinary needs of engineering practice, there are 16 Technical Divisions and 4 Special Interest Groups to look after and to organize activities for the different disciplines. There is also a Young Engineer Section and Women Engineers Section that caters exclusively to the younger members and women engineers respectively.

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Board of Engineers

LINKS : Boards of Engineers Website

The Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) is a statutory body constituted under the Registration of Engineers Act 1967 with perpetual succession and a common seal, which may sue and be sued. It was formed in 23rd August 1972. BEM primary role is to facilitate the registration of Engineers, Engineering Technologists, Inspectors of Works, Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships and Bodies Corporate providing professional engineering services and; to regulate the professional conduct and practice of registered person in order to safeguard the safety and interest of the public.

BEM falls within the ambit of responsibility of the Minister of Works. Vested with wide powers, the Minister may suspend the operation of the Registration of Engineers Act 1967 (REA) in any part of Malaysia by notification in the gazette. The appointment of the Board Members and the Registrar is made by the Minister.

The Registration of Engineers Act 1967 and the Registration of Engineers Regulations 1990 have been amended in 2015 with date of operation on 31st July 2015. The amended REA will be known as “Registration of Engineers Act 1967 (Revised 2015)’ whilst the accompanying Regulations will be known as “Registration of Engineers Regulatons 1990 (Revised 2015)”.

These latest amendments are a direct result of Government policies on trade for services. As Malaysia developed towards a service industry the issue of “liberalisation” of the services came to the forefront in the Free Trade Agreements (FTA) which the country signed. These latest amendments directly address liberalisation issues in order for the country to meet its international obligations.

The need to regulate the Engineering Team; Engineers, Engineering Technologists and Engineering Technicians has also led the BEM to amend the REA to incorporate two new categories: Engineering Technologists and Inspector of Works (also known as Engineering Technicians).

It provides guidelines on how to work professionally and become professional engineers

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Malaysia’s Research Stars Award 2017

Malaysia has an ambitious Wawasan 2020 (Vision 2020) Plan, part of which includes establishing a scientific and progressive society. As part of the Wawasan 2020 plan (Vision 2020), Malaysia had set aggressive goals to establish a scientific and progressive society by year 2020. More recently, Transformasi Nasional 2050 plan (National Transformation 50) was announced and innovation will be a key component of the national initiative. As such, it is crucial for Malaysia to continue developing its scientific talent.

To recognize and further encourage the outstanding research talent in Malaysia, Malaysia’s Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) and Clarivate Analytics collaborated again for the third successive year and jointly presented the Malaysia’s Research Star Award 2017 (known previously as Malaysia’s Rising Star Award in 2016 and 2015) in Putrajaya International Convention Centre. Like last year’s honorees, Malaysia Research Stars Award 2017, this recognition have already shown significant promise in publishing work that has proved to be influential with their worldwide peers.

Congratulations to the recipients of the Malaysia’s Research Star Award 2017

⭐ Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail
International Collaboration Category

⭐ Prof. Dr. Wong Kuan Yew
Citation Classic Category

⭐ Prof. Dr. Nor Aishah Saidina Amin
Outstanding National Research (Global Warming) Category

@Malaysia’s Research Star Award & Cream Status Award 2017



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ISI Journal :



  • Asif H Koja, Muhammad Tahir, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin 2017). Dry reforming of Methane Using Different Dielectric Materials and DBD Plasma Reactor Configurations. In press, Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier, (I.F 4.512, Q1)


  • David Oluwatobi Adekoya, Muhammad Tahir and Nor Aishah Saidina Amin (2017). g-C3N4/(Cu/TiO2) nanocomposite for enhanced photoreduction of CO2 to CH3OH and HCOOH under UV/visible light, Journal of CO2 Utilization 18, 261-274, Elsevier, DOI information: 10.1016/j.jcou.2017.02.004 (I.F =3.31 , Q1)


  • Nur Ainaa Syahirah Ramli and Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, Optimization of Biomass Conversion to Levulinic Acid in Acidic Ionic Liquid and Upgrading of Levulinic Acid to Ethyl Levulinate, 10, 50-63, BioEnergy Research, (2017). doi:10.1007/s12155-016-9778-3 (I.F=3.309, Q1)


  • Nurul Huda Zamzuri, Ramli Mat, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, Amin Talebian-Kiakalaieh, Hydrogen production from catalytic steam reforming of glycerol over various supported nickel catalysts, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy online: org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.05.084. (I.F=3.205, Q2)


  • Muhammad Tahir, Beenish Tahir, and Nor Aishah Saidina Amin (2016). Photocatalytic CO2 over Au/TiO2 nanostructures for dynamic production of clean fuels in a monolith photoreactor, 18, 2147-2160 , Clean Technology and Environment Policy (I.F=1.934, Q2)


  • Muhammad Tahir, Beenish Tahir, Ayyaz Muhammad and Nor Aishah Saidina Amin (2016). Photocatalytic CO2 methanation over NiO/In2O3 promoted TiO2 nanocatalysts using H2O and/or H2 reductants, Energy Conversion and Management, 119, 368-378 (IF=4.512, Q1)


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Welcome 2017

Hope to have a successful 2017.


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Hello 2014!

Welcome to Faculty of Chemical Engineering, UTM Sites. This is the first time i writing a blog to keep my memories in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) . I will keep blogging to update my life here.

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