Photocatalytic CO2-Hydrogen Conversion via RWGSR over Ni/TiO2 Nanocatalyst Dispersed in Layered MMT Nanoclay

The production of cleaner fuels from renewable and safer energy resources are highly demanding to mitigate energy crises and global warming. In this study, the use of cleaner photo-technology for selective and enhanced CO2 reduction to fuels over nickel (Ni) modified titanium dioxide (TiO2) dispersed in structured montmorillonite (MMT) nanoclay for photocatalytic CO2-hydrogen conversion via reverse water gas shift (RWGS) reaction has been investigated. The catalyst samples, prepared by a single step sol-gel method, were characterised by XRD, FTIR, FESEM and UV–visible spectroscopy. XRD results revealed reduced in TiO2 crystallite size with Ni and MMT loading and produced anatase phase of TiO2. MMT is found efficient for the enhanced dispersion of TiO2 while Ni-promoted efficient charges separation with hindered recombination rate over the structured MMT/TiO2 nanocomposite. The photoactivity of Ni/TiO2-MMT composite for CO2 reduction was conducted in a continuous flow photoreactor using hydrogen as the reducing agent. The main products detected were CO and CH4 with appreciable amounts of C2H4, C2H6 and C3H6 hydrocarbons. The maximum yield of CO produced as the main product over 3 wt% Ni-10 wt% MMT/TiO2 catalyst was 9,429 µmole/g-cat, 209-fold higher than the amount of CO detected over the pure TiO2. Evidently, Ni-promoted TiO2 photocatalytic activity, while MMT is favourable for improved dispersion of Ni/TiO2 catalyst. The dynamic and selective CO evolution was evidently due to efficient light distribution, enlarged active surface area and efficient charges separation with their hindered recombination rate by Ni and MMT. The stability of Ni/TiO2 dispersed over MMT sustained over the irradiation time. With the use of green nanocomposite catalyst, CO2 can be efficiently converted to cleaner fuels with all sustainable systems.

DOI : 10.3303/CET1863020

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Social media and blog for teaching and learning

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First posting using mobile phone

This is the first try for blogging using my iphone.

From CTL computer lab.

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Course on Blog @UTMLEAD

I enrolled for blogging course today. I want to try using social media in my teaching. I was told it is the trend now.  It is an important tool to attract your students to come to your class.



The blog course is conducted by Dr Norah and Dr Dayana from the Faculty of Education, UTM. They are really good.

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Ethylene Conversion to Higher Hydrocarbon over Copper Loaded BZSM-5 in the Presence of Oxygen


The successful production of higher hydrocarbons from methane depends on the stability or the oxidation rate of the intermediate products. The performances of the BZSM-5 and the modified BZSM-5 catalysts were tested for ethylene conversion into higher hydrocarbons. The catalytic experiments were carried out in a fixed-bed micro reactor at atmospheric pressure. The catalysts were characterized using XRD, NH3-TPD, and IR for their structure and acidity. The result suggests that BZSM-5 is a weak acid. The introduction of copper into BZSM-5 improved the acidity of BZSM-5. The conversion of ethylene toward higher hydrocarbons is dependent on the acidity of the catalyst. Only weaker acid site is required to convert ethylene to higher hydrocarbons. The loading of Cu on BZSM-5 improved the selectivity for higher hydrocarbons especially at low percentage. The reactivity of ethylene is dependent on the amount of acidity as well as the presence of metal on the catalyst surface. Cu1%BZSM-5 is capable of converting ethylene to higher hydrocarbons. The balances between the metal and acid sites influence the performance of ethylene conversion and higher hydrocarbon selectivity. Higher loading of Cu leads to the formation of COx.

  1. Ramli Mat, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, Zainab Ramli and Wan Azli Wan Abu Bakar. (2006). Ethylene Conversion to Higher Hydrocarbon over Copper Loaded BZSM-5 in the Presence of Oxygen. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, 15, 259-265, Science Press.
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Dual-bed Catalytic System for Direct Conversion of Methane to Liquid Hydrocarbons.


A dual-bed catalytic system is proposed for the direct conversion of methane to liquid hydrocarbons. In this system, methane is converted in the first stage to oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) products by selective catalytic oxidation with oxygen over La-supported MgO catalyst. The second bed, comprising of the HZSM-5 zeolite catalyst, is used for the oligomerization of OCM light hydrocarbon products to liquid hydrocarbons. The effects of temperature (650–800 °), methane to oxygen ratio (4–10), and SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of the HZSM-5 zeolite catalyst on the process are studied. At higher reaction temperatures, there is considerable dealumination of HZSM-5, and thus its catalytic performance is reduced. The acidity of HZSM-5 in the second bed is responsible for the oligomerization reaction that leads to the formation of liquid hydrocarbons. The activities of the oligomerization sites were unequivocally affected by the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio. The relation between the acidity and the activity of HZSM-5 is studied by means of TPD-NH3 techniques. The rise in oxygen concentration is not beneficial for the C5+ selectivity, where the combustion reaction of intermediate hydrocarbon products that leads to the formation of carbon oxide (CO+CO2) products is more dominant than the oligomerization reaction. The dual-bed catalytic system is highly potential for directly converting methane to liquid fuels.

  1. Nor Aishah Saidina Amin and Sriraj Ammasi (2006). Dual-bed Catalytic System for Direct Conversion of Methane to Liquid Hydrocarbons. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, 15, 191-202, Science Press.
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Synergistic Effect of Catalyst Basicity and Reducibility on Performance of Ternary CeO2-based Catalyst for CO2 OCM to C2


The present investigation focuses on the synergistic effect of catalyst basicity and reducibility on the catalytic activity of binary and ternary CeO2-based catalysts in the CO2 oxidative coupling of methane (CO2 OCM). Proper amount of medium and strong basic sites together with lower amount of very strong basic sites are identified as pertinent factors in increasing the catalytic performance. The CO2-TPD and H2-TPR studies indicate synergistic effect between the catalyst basicity and reducibility for the 12.8CaO–6.4MnO/CeO2 ternary metal-oxide catalyst in enhancing the CO2 OCM performance.

  1. Istadi and Nor Aishah Saidina Amin (2006). Synergistic Effect of Catalyst Basicity and Reducibility on Performance of Ternary CeO2-based Catalyst for CO2 OCM to C2 Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 259, 61 – 66, Elsevier.
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Selective Conversion of Methane to C2 Hydrocarbons using Carbon Dioxide as an Oxidant over CaO-MnO/CeO2


Carbon dioxide rather than oxygen seemed to be an alternative oxidant for the catalytic reaction of methane to produce C2hydrocarbons via oxidative coupling of methane (CO2 OCM). The proper amount of medium and strong basic sites and the reducibility of the catalyst enhanced the CH4 conversion and C2 hydrocarbon yield, which may be due to the synergistic effect among CeO2, CaO and MnO in the catalyst. The C2 hydrocarbons selectivity and yield of 75.6% and 3.9%, respectively were achieved over the 12.8CaO-6.4MnO/CeO2 catalyst. The catalyst showed a good stability for 20 h time on stream in the CO2OCM process.

  1. Nor Aishah Saidina Amin and Istadi (2006). Selective Conversion of Methane to C2 Hydrocarbons using Carbon Dioxide as an Oxidant over CaO-MnO/CeO2 Studies in Surface Science & Catalysis, 159, 213-216, Elsevier B.V.
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Methane Conversion to Higher Hydrocarbons Over W/HZSM-5-based Catalysts in the Presence of Oxygen.


Methane conversion to higher hydrocarbons in the presence of oxygen was studied over W/HZSM-5-based catalysts. W–H2SO4/HZSM-5 catalyst containing octahedral coordinated tungsten species showed the highest activity. Over 2% W–H2SO4/HZSM-5 catalyst, the methane conversion reached ≈20% with the average aromatic yield being 9% after 200 min of time on stream. In addition, the results of methane conversion in non-oxidative condition showed that the catalytic activity was drastically reduced with time on stream. Consequently, it can be concluded that the durability of the catalysts was enhanced in the presence of suitable amount of O2.

  1. Nor Aishah Saidina Amin and Soon Ee Pheng (2006). Methane Conversion to Higher Hydrocarbons Over W/HZSM-5-based Catalysts in the Presence of Oxygen. Catalysis Communications, 7, 403-407, Elsevier.
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Optimization of Process Parameters and Catalyst Compositions in Carbon Dioxide Oxidative Coupling of Methane over CaO-MnO/CeO2 Catalyst using Response Surface Methodology.


The optimization of process parameters and catalyst compositions for the CO2oxidative coupling of methane (CO2-OCM) reaction over CaO–MnO/CeO2 catalyst was developed using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The relationship between the responses, i.e. CH4 conversion, C2 hydrocarbons selectivity or yield, with four independent variables, i.e. CO2/CH4 ratio, reactor temperature, wt.% CaO and wt.% MnO in the catalyst, were presented as empirical mathematical models. The maximum C2 hydrocarbons selectivity and yields of 82.62% and 3.93%, respectively, were achieved by the individual-response optimization at the corresponding optimal process parameters and catalyst compositions. However, the CH4 conversion was a saddle function and did not show a unique optimum as revealed by the canonical analysis. Moreover pertaining to simultaneous multi-responses optimization, the maximum C2 selectivity and yield of 76.56% and 3.74%, respectively, were obtained at a unique optimal process parameters and catalyst compositions. It may be deduced that both individual- and multi-responses optimizations are useful for the recommendation of optimal process parameters and catalyst compositions for the CO2-OCM process.

  1. Istadi and Nor Aishah Saidina Amin (2006). Optimization of Process Parameters and Catalyst Compositions in Carbon Dioxide Oxidative Coupling of Methane over CaO-MnO/CeO2 Catalyst using Response Surface Methodology. Fuel Processing Technology, 87 (5), 449-459, Elsevier.
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