Soul of Academia

I’m very grateful to be one family members of UTM’s Academia. I always believe that I’m the chosen person to carry out an obligation towards the organization and UTM stakeholders. The role is not only stopped and limited as academia, but also as educator which later can be reflected and influenced to other success and improvement. The target based on the vision and mission of UTM will bring more empowerment for everyone, which can lead to the sustainment of future generations.

            This is relevant with ISES, one DNA code of UTM. Here, 4 important elements are integrated: integrity, synergy, excellence, and sustainability these need to be excelled and implemented in a single work that we do as educators that finally brings to excellent individual achievement, which later propagates to the institutions, students, and community surrounded by UTM. All the initiatives that are already planned, should be projected and accommodated for 5 years in the future as this will prospering lives for a great sense of well-being. Therefore, the strategy is always based on the 5 fundamentals of UTM strategic trust comprising world-class research and education, creative and resilient, long-term sustainability, transformative life, and global eminence. Due to this, the role of the educator is always to ensure the strategic plans are focused and correspond to the 8 strategic priorities of UTM which cover teaching and learning.

As a research university, the research should be focused on 4 fantastic UTM, as this is designed based on 9 signature areas of the UTM blueprint. I will always be focused on my research area based on the expertise that I have and explore innovating something new which can benefit others based on the current problems and issues that encountered. Finally, I’m very grateful to be here, and always in mind that the work is worship and will be accountable hereafter. Also, as a human, we are not excused to interact with others. Therefore, being tangible and intangible to everyone is a must.