SPECIAL AUNSEED-SRJP (6 – 30 March 2017)
Great Companies of Malaysia delegates (From left: Ms Khai Lin (UUM), Dr. Remy (USM), Dr.Khamarul (Razak School,UTM), Prof Ismail Abustan (USM), Prof Zulkifli Yusop (UTM). Dr.Ali Yuzir (MJIIT, UTM), Dr. Sarah (UKM), Me, Beautiful Dr. Mariyana Aida (UTM).
Great companion (with beautiful Ms Jamila from Afghanistan)
Wonderful partner and companion (Dr. Mariyana Aida)
6 – 10 March 2017
Arrival in DPRI, Kyoto University. Discussion with Prof. Kaoru Takara and Assoc. Professor Takahiro Sayama about final planning to the related agencies in Tsukuba and Tokyo as well as activities in DPRI, Kyoto University and preparation for the trip.
Activity 1 in DPRI, Kyoto University
Besides learning on subjects related to early warnings, the opportunity in learning subjects related to climate change was also utilized since DPRI have experts on this subject matter particularly on research related to the application of Global Climate Model (GCM) data under the SOUSEI Program in which one of the professor in DPRI, Prof. Eiichi Nakakita was the representative of Theme D of the SOUESEI Program. His role was on the Precise impact assessments on climate change. Research topics of Theme D include Climate change impacts on natural hazards, climate change impacts on water resources and climate change impacts on ecosystem and biodiversity.
During my visit to Prof Eiichi Nakakita’s laboratory, I have learned and extracted the GCM data for research activities and future collaboration with Kyoto University. The data that have been extracted are (i) Rainfall, (ii) Wind, and (iii) Pressure. The GCM scenarios extracted are SPA (present data), SFA_rcp85, SFA_rcp85_c1, SFA_rcp85_c2, and SFA_rcp85_c3. The SFA are future data from the year 2075 to 2099 while SPA is the present data from the year 1979 to 2003. Rcp mean the representative concentration pathways (rcp). They are the four greenhouse gas concentration (not emissions) trajectories adopted by the IPCC for its fifth assessment report (AR5) in 2014. They describe four possible climate futures, all of which are considered possible depending on how much greenhouse gases are emitted in the years to come. Rcp85 of the GCM data extracted represent RCP8.5 which is the radiative forcing values in the year 2100 relative to preindustrial values (+8.5 W/m2). For the _c1,_c2 and _c3 represent the different setting of sea surface temperature (SST) of cluster 1, cluster 2 and cluster 3 respectively.
Miss Yukari Osakada (Prof. Nakakita’s Master student) helping on GCM data extraction
15 – 30 March 2017
Activity 2 and 3 in DPRI , Kyoto University
After coming back from visits, preparations for the next activities in DPRI, Kyoto University were conducted. There were two major events been organized by Kyoto University during my stay. They are the GADRI 3rd Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction (GSRIDRR 2017) and The 2nd Symposium on JASTIP Disaster Prevention International Cooperation Research (JASTIP-WP4 Symposium). Suggestions by my host professor, Prof. Kaoru Takara, it would be a good opportunity to attend and present during the conferences.
Poster presentation in GSRIDRR 2017
Discussion during the GSRIDRR 2017 – Discussion Group (GREAT group of experts!)
JASTIP Conference participants
Presentation in the JASTIP-WP4 Symposium