Stay tune for our new Hydraulics and Hydrology Research Group. Visit us at
Eco hydrology is an interdisciplinary scientific field studying interactions between water and ecology. Ecology and ecosystem are commonly associated to science, biology and the environment. Less are on relation to engineering and technology. This research group involves with research, consultancy projects and trainings on engineering application, analysis and assessment associated directly/indirectly to the surrounding impact of hydro-ecology. Previously led and established by Prof. Zulkifli Yusop, a renowned professor in Malaysia water management, the scope of research within this group are integrated river basin management, flood disaster management, urban storm water management, non-point source pollution, environmental forensic and climate change impact. Experts on the tools of analysis includes hydrological and hydraulic modeling, physical models, hydraulics and computational fluid dynamics, wave mechanics and programming.
Currently the group is led by Dr. Nor Eliza Alias, with 6 members, Prof. Zulkifli Yusop (previous leader), Mr. Kamarul Azlan M Nasir (modeling expert), Dr. Noraliani Alias (Non-point source expert), Mdm Zainab M Yusof (Physical Model expert), Dr. Kogila Vani Annammala (Evironmental Forensic expert), and Dr. Erwan Hafizi Kasman (programming expert). Previous members include Prof. Dr. Maketab Mohamed, Professor of Water Quality and Water Quality Modeling.
The group is opened for non-engineering members whose research interest is with eco-hydrology.