Publication – Journal (Scientific Papers -SCOPUS or WOS)



  • Ramli, M. W. A, Alias, N. E., Yusof, H. M, Yusop, Z.,Taib, S. M., Wahab, Y. F. A, Hassan, S. A., (2023) Spatial multidimensional vulnerability assessment index in urban area – A case study Selangor, Malaysia, Progress in Disaster Science. Vol. 20, 100296
  • Sa’adi, Z., Yusop, Z., Alias, N. E., Shiru,M. S., Muhammad, M. K. I., Ramli, W. A., (2023) Application of CHIRPS dataset in the selection of rain-based indices for drought assessments in Johor River Basin, Malaysia, Science of the Total Environment. 892 164471. (Q1)
  • Sa’adi, Z., Yusop, Z., Alias, N. E. (2023). Long-term homogeneity and trend analysis of seasonality and extreme rainfall under the influence of climate change in Johor River basin, Malaysia. Natural Hazards, 1007/s11069-023-05930-1 (Q2)
  • Amlan, H. A., Hassan, S. A., Alias, N. E. (2023). Discovering the global landscape of vulnerability assessment method of transportation network studies: A bibliometric review. Physics And Chemistry of The Earth, Vol.129. 10.1016/j.pce.2022.103336 (Q2)
  • Sanin, Fara Aiza Md, Alias, Nor Eliza, Kanniah, Kasturi Devi, Kadir, Mariyana Aida Ab., Mohamad, Izni Izzati and Paramasivam, Rasnavi, (2022). “Open data application to evaluate exposure of wildfire to water resources: A case study in Johor, Malaysia” Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, vol.70, no.4, pp.475-480. (Q3)
  • Hassan, Sitti and Amlan, Hamizah Amalina and Alias, Nor Eliza and Kadir, Mariyana Aida Abd and Mashros, Nordiana and Sukor, Nur Sabahiah Abdul, (2022). Vulnerability of Road Transportation Networks: A Bibliometric Analysis. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Available at SSRN: or DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103393 (Q1)
  • Bernhofen, M. V., Cooper, S., Trigg, M., Mdee, A., Carr, A., Bhave, A., Solano-Correa, Y. T., Pencue-Fierro, E. L., Teferi, E, Haile, A.T., Yusop, Z., Alias, N. E., Sa’adi, Z, Bin Ramzan, M. A., Dhanya, C. T., Shukla, P. (2022). The Role of Global Data Sets for Riverine Flood Risk Management at National Scales, Water Resources Research, 58(4). 10.1029/2021WR031555
  • Sa’adi, Z., Yusop, Z. & Alias, N.E. (2022), Inter-comparison on the Suitability of Rain-Based Meteorological Drought in Johor River Basin, Malaysia. KSCE J Civ Eng., 26, 2519–2537. (Q3)
  • Ramli, M. W. A, Alias, N. E, Yusof, H. M, Yusop, Z., Talib M.S (2021).Development of A Local Integrated Disaster Risk Assessment Framework for Malaysia , Sustainability 2021, 131, 10792. (Q2)
  • Lokoman, R. M., Yusof, F., Alias, N. E., Yusop, Z. (2021). Construction of Dependence Structure for Rainfall Stations by Joining Time Series Models with Copula Method, Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 17(4): 306-320.
  • Alias, N. E.,Haniffah, M. R. M., Harun, S. (2021). Editorial: Water as Resources and For Livelihood: Impact and Assessment in Asia’s Changing Climate, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 11(4); 933-934. 10.2166/wcc.2020.300
  • Muhammad Saiful Adham Shukor, Zulkifli Yusop, Fadhillah Yusof, Zulfaqar Sa’adi and Nor Eliza Alias (2020). Detecting Rainfall Trend and Development of Future Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) Curve for the State of Kelantan, Water Resource Management, 34:3165–3182. (Q1)
  • Ahammed, S. J.,Homsi, R., Khanu, N., Shahid, S., Shiru, M. S., Mohsenipour, M., Ahmed, K., Nawaz, N., Alias, N. E., Yuzir, A., (2020). Assessment of changing pattern of crop water stress in Bangladesh. Environment Development and Sustainability, 22(5); 4619-4637. 10.1007/s10668-019-00400-w (Q2)
  • Alias N. E., Salim N. A., Taib S. M., et al., (2020). Community responses on effective flood dissemination warnings—A case study of the December 2014 Kelantan Flood, Malaysia. J Flood Risk Management; e12552. 1111/jfr3.12552 (Q1)
  • Mahiuddin Alamgir, Morteza Mohsenipour, Rajab Homsi, Xiaojun Wang, Shamsuddin Shahid, Mohammed Sanusi Shiru, Nor Eliza Alias, Ali Yuzir., (2019) Parametric Assessment of Seasonal Drought Risk to Crop Production in Bangladesh. Sustainability, 11(5), 1442. (Q2)
  • Mohamad, N. A., Jamal, M. H., Annammala, K. V., Yusop, Z., Alias, N. E., Sugumaran, D., (2018). Impact of forest conversion to agricultural plantation on soil erosion. 12th International Civil Engineering Post Graduate Conference (SEPKA) – The 3rd International Symposium on Expertise Of Engineering Design (ISEED) (SEPKA-ISEED 2018), MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 250., 1051/matecconf/201825004004 (Indexed in WOS)
  • Duan W., He B., Takara K., Luo P., Hu M., Alias N.E., Nover D. (2015). Changes of precipitation amounts and extremes over Japan between 1901 and 2012 and their connection to climate indices. Climate Dynamics, 45 (7-8), pp. 2273-2292. (Q1)
  • Weili Duan, Bin He, Kaoru Takara, Pingping Luo, Maochuan Hu, Nor Eliza Alias, Masahito Ishihara, and Yi Wang,(2014). Climate Change Impacts on Wave Char.acteristics along the Coast of Japan from 1986 to 2012. Journal of Coastal Research: 97-104. (Q2)
  • Ismail, H., Abd Wahab, A. K., & Alias, N. E. (2012). Determination of mangrove forest performance in reducing tsunami run-up using physical models. Natural Hazards, 63(2), 939-963. doi: 10.1007/s11069-012-0200-y. (Q1)



  • Jafry, N.A., Suhaila, J., Yusof, F., Nor, S.R.M., Alias, N.E. (2023). Bivariate copula for flood frequency analysis in Johor River basin, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1167 (1), art. no. 012018. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1167/1/012018
  • Paramasivam, R., Alias, N.E., Lokoman, R.M. (2023), Validation of Hershfield probable maximum precipitation estimation using homogeneous region in Malaysia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1143 (1), art. no. 012009. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1143/1/012009
  • Faudzi, A.A.M., Raslan, M.M., Alias, N.E. (2023), IoT based real-time monitoring system of rainfall and water level for flood prediction using LSTM Network. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1143 (1), art. no. 012015. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1143/1/012015
  • Rasnavi Paramasivam, Nor Eliza Alias, Sitti Asmah Hassan,and Fara Aiza Md. Sanin,(2023), Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research on Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation Using Scopus Database. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 293, pp. 37-49. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-5947-9_4
  • Alias, N. E., Bari, S. H., Paramasivam, R., & Abdullah, F. N. (2022). Computations of probable maximum precipitation estimates. Handbook of HydroInformatics: Volume II: Advanced machine learning techniques (pp. 35-47) doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-821961-4.00014-2
  • Ramli, M. W. A, Alias, N. E, Yusop, Z., Talib M.S., (2020), Disaster Risk Index: A Review of Local Scale Concept and Methodologies. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/479/1/012023 (Scopus)
  • Khomsiati, N. L., Suryoputro, N., Yulistyorini, A., Idfi, G., & Alias, N. E. B. (2021). The effect of forest area change in tropical islands towards baseflow and streamflow. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , 847(1) doi:10.1088/1755-1315/847/1/012032
  • Anuar, U. H. M., Alias, N. E. (2021). Modelling The Impact of Climate Change on the Streamflow of Langat River Basin, Water Management and Sustainability in Asia: Community Environment and Disaster Risk Management. Editors: Alias, N. E., Haniffah, M. R. M., Harun, S., 23:65-76. 10.1108/S2040-726220210000023013
  • M W A Ramli, N E Alias, Z Yusop, and S M Taib (2020). Disaster Risk Index: A Review of Local Scale Concept and Methodologies, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 479. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/479/1/012023 (SCOPUS & WOS)
  • Abd Rashid, M. H. S., Zakaria, R., Aminudin, E., Adzar, J. A., Shamsuddin, S. M., Munikanan, V., Alias, N. E., Sooria, S. Z., Saha, K. M. (2020). Critical green road criteria for malaysia green rural road index. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 849(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/849/1/012039
  • Alias, N. E., Haniffah, M. R. M., & Harun, S. (2020). Editorial: Water as resources and for livelihood: Impact and assessment in Asia’s changing climate. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 11(4), 933-934. doi:10.2166/wcc.2020.300
  • N Suryoputro, A Yulistyorini, G Idfi, and N E B Alias, (2019). Base flow identification using conceptual hydrology model. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 669 (2019), doi:10.1088/1757-899X/669/1/012030. (SCOPUS & WOS)
  • Redzuan, A. A., Anuar, A. N., Zakaria, R., Aminudin, E., Alias, N. E., Yuzir, M. A. M., & Alzahari, M. R. (2019). A review: Adaptation of escape route for a framework of road disaster resilient. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 615(1) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/615/1/012002
  • Muhammad Wafiy Adli Ramli, Nor Eliza Alias, Shazwin Mat Taib, (2018). Evaluating Transportation Modes and Routes for Disaster Relief in Kelantan Using Geographical Information System, in Zulkifli Yusop , Azmi Aris , Nor Eliza Alias , Kogila Vani Annammala , William L. Waugh, Jr (ed.) Improving Flood Management, Prediction and Monitoring (Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management, Volume 20) Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.63 – 71, ISBN 978-1-78756-552-4
  • Alias, N.E., Mohamad, Chin H., W.Y., Yusop Z. (2016). Rainfall Analysis of the Kelantan Big Yellow Flood 2014. Jurnal Teknologi, 78 (6), 112-120. eISSN 2180-3722 (SCOPUS)
  • Jusoh, S. N., Mohamad, H., Marto, A., Alias, N. E., Hezmi, M. A., Abdullah, R. A., & Mohd. Yunus, N. Z. (2016). Investigation on the mechanics of precast segment tunnel lining. Jurnal Teknologi, 78(8-6), 61-66. doi:10.11113/jt.v78.9640
  • Alias, N.E., Takara, K. (2013). Estimating the probable maximum precipitation of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and yodo river basin, Japan using statistical methods. Journal of Disaster Research, 8 (1), pp. 197-198.



  • Jamaludin, A.R., Yusof, F., Lokoman, R. M., Noor, Z. Z., Alias, N.E., (2017). Correlational study of air pollution-related diseases (asthma, conjunctivitis, URTI and dengue) in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 354-361. eISSN 2289-599X (ESCI)
  • Sahrin, S., Ismail, N., Alias, N. E., (2018). Regional Frequency Analysis on Peninsular Malaysia using L-Moments. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, ISSN 0972-0871, 103 (8), 1379-1398,
  • Alias, N. E., Luo, P., & Takara, K. (2013). Probable maximum precipitation using statistical method for the Yodo river basin, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, Vol.57, 2013,pp. 157-162.
  • Alias, N. E., Luo, P., & Takara, K. (2013). A Basin-scale Spatial Distribution of Probable Maximum Precipitation for the Yodo River Basin, Japan, Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ. No.56B, 2012,pp.65-72.



  • Mohd Khairolden Ghani, Nor Eliza Alias, (2023), Penilaian banjir elak infrastruktur penting terjejas, Rencana, Berita Harian, 16 Februari 2023 (Newspaper)
  • Bahar, A. F., Yusop, Z., Alias N. E., (2021), Influence of Dam to Rainfall-Runoff Response in a Tropical Climate – A Case Study of Selangor River Basin, Malaysia. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1153/1/012004 (Conference Proceeding)
  • Amin, M. Z. M., Jusoh, A. M., Yusop Z., Alias N. E., Zaidi, N. S., Syafiuddin A., Ghani N. H. A., Adnan, N. H. M., Mohamad, N. A., Zainol Z., Yin T. S., Zulkifli H., Ramli M. A. (2021), Climate Change Adaptation Framework for Water Sectors, National Water Research Institute Malaysia (NAHRIM), ISBN 978-967-0382-46-3 (Original Book)
  • Nor Eliza Alias (2021), Climate Anomaly, in UTM Nexus Magazine, Issue No.5, August 2021, ISSN 9772716647008
  • Ignasius D.A. Sutapa, Apip, M. Fakhrudin, Alias N. E. (2021), Understanding Peat Water Quality in Central Kalimantan Ex-Mega Rice Project to Support Water Resources Management in Peatland Areas, in Nor Eliza Alias, Kogila Vani Annammala (ed.) Ecohydrology & Ecohydraulics-Water Quality and Sediment Control, Penerbit UTM Press, pp 11-28. ISBN 978-983-52-1813-2 (Book Chapter)
  • Alias N. E., Annammala K. V. (2021), Ecohydrology and Ecohydraulics Approach for Sustainable Catchment Management, in Nor Eliza Alias, Kogila Vani Annammala (ed.) Ecohydrology & Ecohydraulics-Water Quality and Sediment Control, Penerbit UTM Press, pp 1-10. ISBN 978-983-52-1813-2 (Book Chapter)
  • Apip, M. Fakhrudin, Ignasius DA Sutapa, Alias N. E. (2021), Rainfall-Runoff-Sediment Modeling System in the Saguling Ecohydrological Demo Site, Indonesia, in Nor Eliza Alias, Kogila Vani Annammala (ed.) Ecohydrology & Ecohydraulics-Water Quality and Sediment Control, Penerbit UTM Press, pp 177-192. ISBN 978-983-52-1813-2 (Book Chapter)
  • Nor Eliza Alias, Sheikh Hefzul Bari, Rasnavi Paramasivam, and Farizul Nizam Abdullah, (2021) Computations of Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimates, in Saeid Eslamian, Faezeh Eslamian (ed.) Handbook of HydroInformatics. Elsevier, pp 35-48 (Book Chapter)
  • Nor Eliza Alias, Mazlin Jumain (2020), Konsep ‘Bandar Span’, manfaat hujan melampau, Rencana Berita Harian, 16 September 2020. (Newspaper)
  • Nor Eliza Alias, Ilya Khairanis Othman, M Hidayat M Jamal, (2019). Pengaruh Hujan dan Pasang Surut, in Zulkifli Yusop, Abdul Hamid Mar Iman (ed.) Bah Kuning di Kelantan. Penerbit UTM Press, pp 57-74. ISBN 978-983-52-1670-1. (Book Chapter)
  • H. M. Anuar, N. E. Alias, K. A. M. Nassir and A. Yuzir (2019). Modelling the impact of climate change on flood: case study at Upper Sungai Segget catchment, Proce eding of the 4th International Conference on Water Resource, Langkawi, Malaysia, 27-28 November 2018, 318-327. ISBN 978-967-2171-90-4 (Conference Proceeding)
  • Farah Amirah Kamis, Nor Eliza Alias, M. Asyraf Haiqal Baharum. (2018). Future Climate Effects On Lake Volume Of Sembrong Dam Using Mri-Agcm3.2s 3rd Proceeding Of Civil Engineering Water And Environmental Engineering. 68-75. ISBN 978-967-2171-63-8 (Conference Proceeding)
  • Chebby, M. S., and Alias, N. E., (2017). Return Period Analysis of Major Flood Events in East Malaysia, 2nd Proceeding of Civil Engineering – Environmental Engineering, Hydraulics and Hydrology, Vol (3), 185-190. ISBN 978-967-2171-06-5 (Conference Proceeding)
  • Tarmizi, M. M. M., and Alias, N. E., (2017). Return Period Analysis of Major Flood Events in Peninsular Malaysia, 2nd Proceeding of Civil Engineering – Environmental Engineering, Hydraulics and Hydrology, Vol (3), 191-196. ISBN 978-967-2171-06-5 (Conference Proceeding)
  • Alias, M. A., and Alias, N. E., (2016). Extreme Rainfall Analysis on the December 2014 Flood, Pahang, 1st Proceeding of Civil Engineering – Environmental Engineering, Hydraulics and Hydrology, Vol (3), 265-282. ISBN 978-967-0194-75-2 (Conference Proceeding)
  • Bakar, M. F. A., and Alias, N. E., (2016). Extreme Rainfall Analysis on the December 2014 Flood, Terengganu, 1st Proceeding of Civil Engineering – Environmental Engineering, Hydraulics and Hydrology, Vol (3), 283-300. ISBN 978-967-0194-75-2 (Conference Proceeding)
  • Nor Eliza Alias, Hadibah Ismail (2010). Experimental Test in the Determination of Mangrove – Tsunami Run-up Relationship. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Coastal Morphology 2010- the Muddy Coast of Malaysia, NAHRIM (National Hydraulic Research Institute),2010. (Conference Proceeding)


International publisher

  • IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, International Conference for Envrionmental Sustainability and Resource Security, IC-ENSURES 2022.
  • Community, Environment, and disaster risk management (CEDRM) book series, Volume 23 – Water Management and Sustainability in Asia. Editors: Nor Eliza Alias, M Ridza M Haniffah, and Sobri bin Harun. Emerald Publisher. Published: July 2021
  • Water as resources and for livelihood: impact and assessment in Asia’s changing climate– Journal of Water and Climate Change, IWA publishing. Editors: Nor Eliza Alias, M Ridza Hanafiah, Sobri Harun.
  • Community, environment and disaster risk management (CEDRM) book series, Volume 20 – Improving Flood Management, Prediction and Monitoring: Case Studies in Asia. Emerald Publisher. ISBN: 978-1-78756-552-4, eISBN: 978-1-78756-551-7, Edited by: Zulkifli Yusop, Azmi Aris, Nor Eliza Alias, Kogila Vani Annammala, William L. Waugh, Published: November 2018


  • Proceeding of AUN-SEED Net Alumni Symposium 2019. Edited by: Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Nor Eliza Alias, Shazwin Mat Taib, Dianah Mazlan and Nazleatul Najiha M. Nazif. Publisher: UTM Campus Sustainability (UTM CS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. eISBN 978-967-18001-0-2.
  • Proceeding of 4th International Conference on Water Resources 2018 (ICWR 2018) – IHP VIII Technical Documents in Hydrology. Edited by: Sobri bin Harun, Zulkifli bin Yusop, Rohani binti Ahmad, Mohd Ridza bin Mohd Haniffah, Mohamad Hidayat bin Jamal, Nor Eliza binti Alias, Ilya Khairanis binti Othman, Kogilavani Annammala, Thanalechumi Paramalinggam, Ainul Syarmimi binti Rosli. Publisher: School of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. ISBN: 978 967 2171 904
  • Manual for Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Vulnerability Index for Critical Infrastructure in Malaysia, Construction Research Institute of Malaysia,Editors: Mohd Khairolden Ghani Rohaizi Mohd Jusoh, Yusrin Faiz Abd Wahab, Gerald Sundaraj, Mohamad Razi Ahmad Suhaimi, Zulkifli Yusop, Nor Eliza Alias, Muhammad Najib Mohamed Razali, Zulfaqar Sa’adi, and Kogila Vani Annamala.
  • Climate Change Adaptation Framework for Water Sectors, National Hydraulics Research Institute Malaysia (NAHRIM), Mohd Zaki Mat Amin, Azman Mat Jusoh, Zulkifli Yusop, Nor Eliza Alias, Nur Syamimi Zaidi, Achmad Syafiuddin, Noor Hisham Ab. Ghani, Nurul Huda Md Adnan, Nur Aiza Mohamad, Zurina Zainol, Thian Siaw Yin, Harlisa Zulkifli, Mohd Asri Ramli, ISBN 978-967-0382-46-3