Betul ke PhD mudah??..
Setiap orang ada pengalaman masing-masing, ada cerita tersendiri..
Tapi… doa and positive vibes will definitely help us to shine like a star while TIPS and TRICKS will accelerate the progress and performance.
Jadi, jommm kita share
Sesi perkongsian Dr Su bersama RO UTM SIRI III/2019
“Perjalanan PhD itu MUDAH tatkala… (TIPS & TRICKS)”
Anjuran Kelab Pegawai Penyelidik UTM – KPP UTM
13 Jun 2019
Terima kasih KPPUTM kerana sudi menjemput saya
Makanan yg sedaappp dan meriahhh…
Semoga dpt memberi manfaat bersama

Ts. ChM. Dr. Nor Suriani Sani is a Senior Research Officer at the Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), professional chemist and technologist. She obtained her first degree and master in Chemistry and PhD in Biomedical Engineering. With this educational background, her expertise is in applied material science, focusing on materials for biomedical applications. She is also involved in Bionanotechnology research, where she is an expert in in vitro cell study of inorganic biomaterials. Her main research products are silica aerogels derived from sol-gel techniques used to immobilize biomolecules and herbs, biomaterials for soft and hard tissues that have potential for biomedical applications.
BSc (Ind. Chem), MSc (Chem), PhD (Biomed. Eng.) (UTM)
Senior Research Officer
Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn)
Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTM Johor Bahru
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Senior Research Officer of iHumEn, UTM