Category Archives: ULAB 3152


1) What did you learn in this class?

2) Did you give your best effort on all assignments given?

3)Were the resources helpful for you to learn new materials?

4) What class activities or assignments help you learn the most?

5) What do you believe the teacher could have done differently to help you learn this subject easier?


Thank you for your reflections! 🙂


MYLINE for ULAB 1122, 2112, 3152

Assalamualaikum and dear all,

You can start working on your Myline activities at Please complete the required exercises within the stipulated time. You have from week 4 until week 14.

ULAB 1122 –   1 test & rank, 1 Online Quiz and 20 short quizzes  ( 10 marks )

ULAB 2112 = Complete 10 activities ( 5 marks )

ULAB 3152 = Complete all activities ( 10 marks )


All the best and don’t hesitate to ask questions if you don’t understand what to do!