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My name is Nur Izzati Binti Mohamad Norzilan. I spent my early years in Taiping, Perak. I earned a Bachelor of Islamic Finance in 2013 from Universiti Malaysia Sabah and a Master of Islamic Economics with a major in Islamic Finance from UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). I also received my Doctor of Area Studies degree with a focus on Islamic Economics from Kyoto University.
My master’s thesis mainly examined the economics of poverty and inequality in Malaysia. The thesis, titled Kemiskinan dan Ketaksamarataan Ekonomi Masyarakat Melayu Malaysia and is written in the Malay language under the supervision of Dr. Muhamad Hakimi Bin Mohd Shafiai.
I attended Ph.D degree in Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies at Kyoto University, Japan from April 2016 to March 2019 under the supervision of Prof. Shinsuke Nagaoka and Prof Emeritus Yasushi Kosugi with the title of my Ph.D thesis The Revitalization of Waqf Institutions as an Islamic Social Welfare System: A Case Study in Malaysia.
Despite the fact that the phrase “Islamic economics” is not mentioned anywhere in the title of my doctoral degree, the thesis’s content heavily references Islamic Economics. My research focuses mostly on Waqf, Zakat, Islamic Finance, and Islamic financial institutions because Islamic economics is a subject that interests me.
I have started my career at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2021 at the Academy of Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH), UTM. My journey at UTM is relatively new yet I have a positive feeling on the organization because it values is in align with my personal values. Although the fundamental values at UTM is a commitment to excellence yet the concept of humanizing education is an essential aspect of the educational philosophy at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).
UTM recognizes that education should not only focus on academic and technical knowledge but also on nurturing the holistic development of students, faculty, and staff. Humanizing education at UTM is rooted in the belief that education should be a transformative experience that empowers individuals to become not only knowledgeable professionals but also compassionate, ethical, and socially responsible citizens. This value is ingrained in the institution’s DNA and is transmitted to young researchers and members of UTM.