Career Planning – How Do You Market Yourselves?

A talk delivered for UTM Postgraduate Students Society (PGSS) on Career Planning after a postgraduate degree. High numbers of participants attended and actively participated throughout the 2-hour (non-stop) session. Hopefully, they could benefit from the session.

I conducted a survey on the questions of whether to choose passion over money, and the findings are as follows. I asked the participants to think again.. 😀


Alhamdulillah, I have been awarded the Active Blended Learning Awards for SMJP1203 Solid Mechanics (both Section 01 and Section 02) in Semester 2, Session 2019/2020.

Note: Blended Learning is a combination of active and systematic strategy with the use of digital teaching materials in class. This encourages better and more meaningful learning experience. More information could be found at