Alhamdulillah, I successfully conducted my first engagement as the Head of Department with MPE students on 18 December 2020. It is an important event to make sure the students are updated with the latest information and to seek feedback from them since we could not meet face-to-face.
Monthly Archives: December 2020
Alhamdulillah, I have been awarded the Active Blended Learning Awards for SMJP1203 Solid Mechanics (both Section 01 and Section 02) in Semester 2, Session 2019/2020.
Note: Blended Learning is a combination of active and systematic strategy with the use of digital teaching materials in class. This encourages better and more meaningful learning experience. More information could be found at
A Big Task, Even Bigger Responsibility!!
Appointed as the Head of Department for Mechanical Precision Engineering, MJIIT starting 1 December 2020 to 30 November 2023. A big task, even bigger responsibility!! May Allah give me the strength and assist me to perform my task accordingly.