Ts. Dr. Nurul 'Azizah Binti Mukhlas

Soul of Academia
‘Seeking knowledge from cradle to grave’
This wisdom quote reflects that the main responsibility of teaching falls on the family (parent). They are partners in everything the children do, and the teachers subsequently share this responsibility. A good upbringing will give children a good character and help them to live a righteous life. The children began their formal education in preschool, followed by primary and secondary. The next level is entering the institution of higher education such as a university which is considered as ivory tower, at top of the educational level. Hence, the university plays a main role in nurturing the future. University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) holds a strong philosophy, where
‘The divine law of Allah is the foundation of knowledge. In line with His Will, UTM strives with total commitment to attain excellence in science, technology and engineering for the well-being and prosperity of mankind.’
As an academia at UTM, I am responsible for supporting UTM vision and mission in leading the development of holistic talent and innovative technology and being a premier global academic and research institution, excelling in science, technology and engineering. Academia has its own integrity. In order to reach an excellent output of teaching, graduates, research, publication and services, attitudes and values are the key. This is not an individual task, we need to synergize with other disciplines, collaborate with other parties (government, industry, community), and be resilient based on our main niche area of Fantastic 4. As a khalifah, I am aware of upholding the ethical integrity of my work, ensuring my contribution to the new generation, industry and community. As referred to Al-Ghazali, education aims to cultivate man so that he abides by the teachings of religion and is assured of salvation and happiness in the eternal life hereafter.
-Nurul ‘Azizah Mukhlas-