
Indexed and Non-Indexed Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceeding

No.TitleAuthor(s)Vol., No., Pg. & ISSN/ISBNName of Conference/Journal/PublisherDate
1.Prediction of 100-year Responses by Advance MFMNSNurul ‘Azizah Mukhlas, Noor Irza Mohd Zaki & Mohd Khairi Abu Husainvol 3(2016); 309-318 ISSN 2443-1710International Conference on Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace for Scientists and Engineer (OMASE)7-6 November 2016
2.A Review on Conceptual Design of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) PlatformNurul ‘Azizah Mukhlas
, Noor Irza Mohd Zaki, Mohd Khairi Abu Husain & Abu Bakar Jaafar
57-61International Conference on Advanced Technology (ICAT)2017
3.Persistence of Plastic Marine Debris in Malaysia Ocean Nurul ‘Azizah Mukhlas
, Mohd Khairi Abu Husain , Nurulakmar Abu Husain, Noor Irza Mohd Zaki, Siti Mahirah Che Husin, Sayyid Zainal Abidin Syed Ahmad, Mohd Amir Arif Mohd Sah, Mohammad Hanis Tajudin, Ikmal Alif Ahmad Sukri, Ahmad Hadi Mohamed Rashidi & Mohd Radzi Abd Hamid 
pg 166-170   eISSN 2735-055X8th International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanities18-19 August 2020
4.Short-term Probability Distribution of Second-order Offshore Structural ResponseNurul ‘Azizah Mukhlas
,  Mohd Khairi Abu Husain & Noor Irza Mohd Zaki
The 7th International Conference on Science and Technology
14 -15 Nov, Mataram West Nusantara, Indonesia.
5.Prediction of Offshore Structural Response Extreme Values by Modified Finite-memory Nonlinear System Modeling Noor Irza Mohd Zaki, Mohd Khairi Abu Husain,
Nurul ‘Azizah Mukhlas
& Gholamhossein Najafian
vol 3(2016); 1-7 ISBN 978-079184994-1ASME 35th International Gonference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering19-24 June 2016
6.Comparison of Extreme Surface Elevation for Linear and Nonlinear Random Wave Theory for Offshore StructuresNurul ‘Azizah Mukhlas
, Noor Irza Mohd Zaki, Mohd Khairi Abu Husain & Gholamhossein Najafian
 203: 01021 ISSN 2261236XMATEC Web of Conferences2018
7.Efficient Methods for the Prediction of Non-Gaussian Stochastic Response of Offshore StructureNurul ‘Azizah Mukhlas
, Noor Irza Mohd Zaki & Mohd Khairi Abu Husain 
2019; 93-104 ISBN 978-0-367-27809-0Trends in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures – Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Marine Structures, MARSTRUCT2019

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