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  • Such a great pleasure and experience to deliver my first keynote presentation at International Geo-engineering Conference organised by Geotropik UTM on the 2nd day as the 3rd speaker
  • So as the theme of this year’s conference is Promoting Sustainable & Innovative Geoengineering, so i presented something related to with the title “Stabilisation vs Carbonation/; Impacts on the Geoenvironmental Engineering”
  • The content is within the scope of ground improvement.
  • Previously most of the chemical stabiliser applied at site in known as traditional stabiliser (lime and cement).
  • But it is well known that, cement and lime production comes with disadvantages, such as the high amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emits during the process and the fact that they are not sustainable materials. Thus due to sustainable approach the selection of stabiliser has take into account on reuse the available material such as waste and bi product material to sustain the environment to some extent.
  • Still this kind of stabiliser will still provide the similar improvement like the traditional one.
  • Quite recently when the world start to concern on climate change seriously not only to the environmentalist but as an engineer also we are trying to play our roles by looking forward to more green material, but still not to compromise with the engineering performance. But with more consideration towards minimizing the climate change by reducing the amount of green house gases (CO2) release to the environment. And not to forget to maintain the sustainable approach. Kind of killing 2 birds with 1 stone