• Supervisor to Master Students
1. Sharon Wong Sik Dang, Optimisation of natural ventilation towards
achieving good indoor air quality (2018) M.Arch UTM
2. Muhammad Ade Rezky, Third Place: A modern fish market as centre for
public participation in Malaysia context (2019) M.Arch
3. Azim bin Hasnan, Cinema Architecture: Success factors as social
interaction place (2019) M.Arch UTM
4. Sharina Ibrahim, Designing a sustainable digital library that engage
generation Z on technology exploration and social connected towards
intelligent city (2019), M.Arch (Pesisir) UTM
5. Aw Siew Bee, A sequential approach to glare control in a co-working
office (2019), M.Arch (Pesisir) UTM
6. Shahrulafifi Zakaria, Redefining co-working office and makerspace:
Exploring daylight concept (2019), M.Arch (Pesisir) UTM
• Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor to Current PhD and Master (M.Arch) Students
1. Ahmad Shuib bin Yahya, Modular Coordination: The conceptual
change towards industrial architecture (Main Supervisor: Prof Ts Dr
Mohd Hamdan Ahmad), Doctor of Philosophy, UTM (2018)
2. Sanusi Sani Maimagani, Thermal Comfort Performance and Selection
of Wall Material for School in Nigeria with Hot Dry Climate Zone (Main
Supervisor: Dr Roshida binti Abdul Majid), Doctor of Philosophy, UTM
3. DG Normaswanna binti Tawasil, Waste Materials as Housing Finishes
with Thermal Insulation Performance for Open IBS System (Main
Supervisor: Dr Eeydzah binti Aminudin), Doctor of Philosophy, UTM
4. Ayoosu Moses Iorakaa, Fenestration Design for Daylight Optimization in
Side Lit Lecture Hall in Temperate Humid Climate of Nigeria, (Main
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof Dr Lim Yaik Wah), Doctor of Philosophy, UTM
5. Koh Siaw Seng, The viability of Georgetown as cycling town (2019),
M.Arch UTM
6. Tan Zhen Jie, Strategies for Brownfield Redevelopment in Port Dickson,
Negeri Sembilan (2019), M.Arch UTM
7. Nur Azreen Mohd Ramli, Effects of land and sea breeze on natural
ventilation in living space: A case study of Port Dickson (2019), M.Arch
8. Koh Sze Ying, Intergeneration Community Centre for Pontian Johor
(2019), M.Arch UTM