My Teaching

Encourages and values high expectations of students’ learning

Master of Science (Business Intelligence and Analytics)
MANB2163: Social Network Analytics

Doctor of Software Engineering
Let Our Students’ Success Speak for Us
“Despite the difficulty of the curriculum, Dr was a top in giving and communicating information to students and giving opportunities to learn, such as explaining in more than one way and repetition. Moreover, its wonderful style and good treatment make the student love the subject.” — -ENAS
“Lecturer was really helpful and the assignment was also really helpful. The lecturer introduces more than 1 tool in class, and it is really helpful in real life. The class is also fun and the discussion within us also helps each other a lot.” — NURUL A’IN
“The class are conducted in a timely manner, sessions are interactive, we have open discussion and materials given are relevant to the topic. the lecture also provides a demo on how the perform security investigation with various types of tools.”—HABIR

Start Transforming your Career Today
Active learning, Collaborative projects, Case Study Analysis, Teamwork, Leadership, Group presentations
Constructively align assessment methods, that include both formative and summative assessment, with the intended learning outcomes and the T&L activities.
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Provide advanced skills in a variety of areas, including analytical and critical thinking, research skills, writing, creativity, and collaboration.
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