

1SEM 2, 2006/2007Web-based Application Development 12
2SEM 2, 2006/2007Web-based Application Development II6
3SEM 1, 2006/2007Introduction to Multimedia6
4SEM 2, 2005/2006Web-based Application Development II6
5SEM 1, 2005/2006Introduction to Multimedia3
6SEM 1, 2005/2006Aplikasi Mikrokomputer3
7SEM 2, 2004/2005Web-based Application Development II6
8SEM 1, 2004/2005Introduction to Multimedia3
9SEM 1, 2004/2005Aplikasi Mikrokomputer3
10SEM 2, 2003/2004Web-based Application Development II3
11SEM 1, 2003/2004Introduction to Multimedia3
12SEM 1, 2003/2004Aplikasi Mikrokomputer3
13SEM 2, 2002/2003Web-based Application Development II6
14SEM 1, 2002/2003Introduction to Multimedia3
15SEM 1, 2002/2003Aplikasi Mikrokomputer3
16SEM 2, 2001/2002Web-based Application Development II6
17SEM 1, 2001/2002Asas Grafik6
18SEM 1, 2001/2002Aplikasi Mikrokomputer3
19SEM 2, 2000/2001Web-based Application Development II6
20SEM 1, 2000/2001Introduction to Multimedia3
21SEM 1, 2000/2001Aplikasi Mikrokomputer3
22SEM 2, 1999/2000Web-based Application Development II6
23SEM 1, 1999/2000Introduction to Multimedia3
24SEM 1, 1999/2000Aplikasi Mikrokomputer3
25SEM 2, 1998/1999Web-based Application Development II6
26SEM 1, 1998/1999Introduction to Multimedia3
27SEM 1, 1998/1999Aplikasi Mikrokomputer3
28SEM 2, 1997/1998Web-based Application Development II6
29SEM 1, 1997/1998Introduction to Multimedia3
30SEM 1, 1997/1998Aplikasi Mikrokomputer3


1SEM 2, 2022/2023Human Information Processing3
2SEM 2, 2022/2023Research Methodology
3SEM 2, 2022/2023Software Engineering Research Methodology3
4SEM 1, 2022/2023User Experience And Interaction Design3
5SEM 1, 2022/2023Research Methodology
6SEM 1, 2022/2023Software Engineering Research Methodology3
7SEM 2, 2021/2022Human Information Processing3
8SEM 2, 2021/2022Research Methodology
9SEM 2, 2021/2022Software Engineering Research Methodology3
10SEM 1, 2021/2022Software Engineering Research Methodology3
11SEM 1, 2021/2022Human Information Processing3
12SEM 1, 2021/2022Research Methodology
13SEM 2, 2020/2021Software Engineering Research Methodology3
14SEM 2, 2020/2021Human Information Processing3
15SEM 2, 2020/2021Research Methodology
16SEM 1, 2020/2021Service Innovation Technology3
17SEM 1, 2020/2021Research Methodology
18SEM 1, 2019/2020Software Engineering Research Methodology3
19SEM 1, 2019/2020Research Methodology
20SEM 2, 2018/2019Software Engineering Research Methodology3
21SEM 2, 2018/2019Human Interaction Processing3
22SEM 2, 2018/2019Research Methodology
23SEM 1, 2018/2019Software Engineering Research Methodology3
24SEM 1, 2018/2019Human Interaction Processing3
25SEM 1, 2018/2019Research Methodology
26SEM 2, 2017/2018Software Engineering Research Methodology3
27SEM 2, 2017/2018Research Methodology
28SEM 1, 2017/2018Human Information Processing3
29SEM 1, 2017/2018Research Methodology
30SEM 2, 2016/2017Human Information Processing3
31SEM 2, 2016/2017Informatics In Society3
32SEM 1, 2016/2017Human Information Processing3
33SEM 1, 2016/2017Informatics In Society9
34SEM 2, 2015/2016Informatics In Society9
35SEM 1, 2015/2016Informatics In Society9
36SEM 2, 2014/2015Human Information Processing3
37SEM 2, 2014/2015Information Engineering3
38SEM 2, 2014/2015Human Information Processing3
39SEM 1, 2014/2015Information Engineering3
40SEM 1, 2014/2015Information Engineering6
41SEM 2, 2013/2014Human Information Processing3
42SEM 2, 2013/2014Information Engineering6
43SEM 1, 2012/2013Software Technology6
44SEM 2, 2012/2013Software Technology6