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Amplifier Circuit for Sensor

The amplifier circuit function is to increase the sensitivity of the measurement. It is an additional circuit. Without it, the sensor still function. Function of amplifier circuit: To increase the Vsensor. This improve the sensitivity of the measurement. To limits the...

Current Sensor LEM LA55

The recommended current sensor is the LEM LA55. It is a closed loop hall effect sensor capable of measuring DC and AC. It can measure up to 50 A or 100 A (2 different design). However, for this tutorial, the design is based on 50 A. The number of primary turns, Npri,...

Voltage Sensor LEM LV25

The recommended voltage sensor is the LV25 from LEM. It is a closed loop sensor. capable of measuring DC and AC with the maximum voltage of 500 V. Do not use this sensor if the voltage is more than 500 V. Rpri depend on the maximum Vmeasure: Rpri = 100 Vmeasure The...

Sample Rate for Controller

For official reference, please read Nyquist rate. The relationship between the controller and the sample time is: Sample Time <= Fastest Settling Time / Minimum Number of Sample Recommended minimum number of sample is 30. Higher is better. Fastest settling time is...

Boost Converter with Analog PI Controller

Boost Converter with Analog PI Controller (Used only Op Amp & 555 Timer) Link: Boost Converter with Analog PI Controller. The PI controller...