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Axial flux motors – The new hope

Axial flux motors are considered the ultimate future of electric vehicles and most importantly of electric aviation because they have a high torque-to-weight ratio, which is ideal for aircraft. Companies like Rolls Royce and Magnax have intense research and...

Space Powered Cooling May Be the Future of Energy

Space powered cooling may be the future of energy. Our cooling systems are heating the Earth as they consume fossil-fueled energy and release greenhouse gases. Air Conditioning use is expected to increase from about 3.6 billion units to 15 billion by 2050. So, how do...

Why heaters are the future of cooling

xperts call it the “cold crunch.” As temperatures rise in regions that historically haven’t needed indoor cooling, global demand for air conditioning units is expected to skyrocket. Indoor cooling is already the fastest-growing use of energy in buildings. But...