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On behalf of the IEEE Malaysia PELS Chapter, I would like to invite everyone to the 5th IEEE International Conference on Energy Conversion (IEEE CENCON 2021) live streaming keynote session on October 25th, 2021. The IEEE CENCON 2021 is organized by Power Electronics and Drive Research (PEDG) group and IEEE PELS Malaysia Chapter.

The keynote speakers are:

1. Prof Dr Zainal Salam (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)

Title: Mitigation of Partial Shading in PV system using Hardware Approach

2. Prof Taufik (California Polytechnics States University (Cal Poly), USA) 

Title: The Renaissance of DC Electricity: Technology of the Past, Present, and Future.

The session will be live streaming from 9.00 am to 10.40 am (Malaysia time).  You can watch it through the YouTube link: