Problem Statement
During ASL, the secondary students commonly learn about PV-Battery system only using the educational kit provided. However, the educational kit does not include grid connected system. This is due to high hardware cost and safety issues. The student can shows the system in the form of simulation in the computer. However, running the MATLAB script is not too interactive. To overcome this problem, a Arduino Simulator for the PV-Bat-Grid EMS is introduces.
The objectives of this Arduino Simulator is to teach the secondary student, as well as the university student on how the energy is manage when the grid is connected to the EMS. The students will learn on what is the prority of energy used by the load. The Arduino Siimulator aslo shows the off-peak hour charging done by the EMS.
To avoid any safety issues, there no high voltage involves in the educational kit. The kit is simply a simulator that manage the energy for the PV-Battery-Grid EMS system. The 7-Segments Displays is used to show the important parameters for the EMS. This allows a more clear view of the management of the energy. The irradance (sunlight intensity) and load are controlled using the potentiometers. The educational kit can be power up using any 5V USB, which include the power bank.

Photovoltaic (PV)-Battery-Grid Energy Management System (EMS) with Off-Grid Charging Educational Kit. LY2024J09300. © 2024 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia – All Rights Reserved.