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Date: 27/09/20
Time: 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Location: Advance Machine Laboratory
Student: Abdulgader (PhD)

The discussion focused on the second step previously given, which is the modelling of the components of the system. This includes the PV model, wind turbine model, fuel cell model, battery model, electrical vehicle model, and the grid model. Currently, the student able to obtain various pv models from the literature. However, which type of PV model is still unknown and needs to be decided by the maun supervisor. For the wind turbine, the student able to obtain the model from the FileExchange. However, the file is based on the V and I output. While the student requires P or V output. The rest of the models are still incomplete.

In term of input data, it still incomplete. The irradiance, temperature, and wind speed are based on the daily average and not hourly. The student is suggested to read on the interpolation method, which able to change the daily data to hourly data. The student is also suggested to recheck the unit for irradiance since the reading is around 3000 W/m2 and the irradiance normally onlg around 1000 W/m2. The student also don’t have the load profile for the simulation. The student is suggested to continue searching for data while modelling the components to avoid time waste. Another suggestion is to refer to another PhD student that conduct a similar research, Abba, for guidance.

Various scopes are also discussed during the meeting. One of te scope is the optimization objectives. Currently, the optimization is the cost and reliability. An addition scope is the CO2 emmission, which will be discussed with the main supervisor. There also a discussion on the power converter parameter. The student is suggested to find a datasheet according to the system block diagram voltage and power. Based on this, various parameter is obtained and cited.