My name’s Rozaimi Che Hasan and I am a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Articial Intelligence, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur (https://fai.utm.my). Since joining UTM in 2005, I have cultivated a deep expertise in surveying, hydrography, and marine mapping. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Geomatic Engineering (2001) and a Master of Science in Hydrography (2005), both from UTM. Driven by my passion for underwater acoustics, I pursued a PhD in Environmental Sciences at Deakin University, Victoria, Australia, completing it in 2014.
My doctoral research, titled “Multibeam Backscatter for Benthic Biological Habitat Mapping,” focused on utilizing multibeam echo-sounder backscatter to automatically classify benthic habitats in Victoria’s Marine Parks. This work involved collaboration with marine biologists, geologists, acousticians, hydrographers, and fish experts to optimize sonar technology for seabed mapping.
Currently, my research interests include using acoustic sonar sensors for automatic seabed and benthic habitat mapping, particularly for coral reefs, which is crucial for monitoring coastal biodiversity health. I am also deeply involved in processing bathymetry and backscatter data from multibeam echo-sounders and side-scan sonar to obtain high-quality seabed information for sediment type identification. Furthermore, I apply classification and predictive modeling techniques, such as Support Vector Machine, Random Forests, and Decision Trees, to construct habitat models and classification maps from remotely sensed datasets, including acoustic sonar and satellite imagery.