Enterprise Resource Management Challenge (ERMC) 2020 during MCO

Enterprise Resource Management Challenge (ERMC) 2020

The Government has declared the Movement Control Order since March 18 for 14 days and has been continuing for 2nd phase from April 1-14.

While we were unable to conduct face-to-face sessions, our teams were able to organize practices for the UTM ERMC 2020 using normal game and also club game leagues. We have been administering training practices for the past two weeks to ensure that all players had a fair and proper preparation and practices before the competition begins.

Overall, a total of 50 or approximately 50 hours of online simulation games were played throughout this MCO period, involving 125 participants and 2 AHIBS MonsonnSIM certified trainers (Tn Hj Shafudin Md Yatim and Dr. M.Shah Kassim) and 1 SHARP MonsonnSIM certified trainer (Dr Zulkifli Khair) along with 3 AHIBS facilitators (Dr Sabrinah Adam, Dr Mazilah Abdullah and Dr Mohd Khairuddin Ramliy)

Thank you AHIBS, Undergraduate Office of UTM and in collaboration with UTMXCITE for the full support and cooperation throughout this MCO period??.
