17 May 2020 – Congratulations to Almasradi Rajeh Bati F, who has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “Leader-Member Exchange, Work-Related Attitudes and Citizenship Behaviour Among Administrators in Higher Institutions of Saudi Arabia”.
Rajeh’s study is supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Aishah Panatik and co-supervised by Dr. Nurul Farhana Mohd Noordin.
The online viva voce went on smoothly with the chairman, Prof. Dr. Kamaruzaman Yusof moderating an active discussion which made the session lively. The assistant chairman was Dr. Sabrinah Adam.
Huge thanks goes out to the external examiner, Prof. Dr. Huam Hon Tat from UPM, an expert in the field of Marketing and Entrepreneurship and the internal examiner, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ungku Norulkamar Ungku Ahmad whose research expertise are in Management and Organizational Behaviour.
Once again, congratulations to the student and the supervisors!