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Sustainable Entrepreneurial Mindset Showcase 2020 (SEMS 3.0)

Sustainable Entrepreneurial Mindset Showcase 2020 (SEMS 3.0) was organized by

UTM Centre For Student Innovation & Technology Entrepreneurship – UTM XCITE

from March until May 2020. Among the winners are AHIBS students mentored by three Business Administration senior lecturers. Congratulations to Dr. Grace Thoo Ai Chin, Dr. Zuraidah Sulaiman and Dr. Sabrinah Adam and their respective students!

We are truly proud of your achievements in winning one of the Best Video Awards and Category Winners for SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption & Production) and SDG 14 (Life Below Water).
Quoting UTM XCITE “SEMS 3.0 is UTM XCITE flagship program that aims to democratize and nurture the spirit of technopreneurship among UTM students in developing their ideas/prototype/apps to solve challenges pertaining to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SEMS 3.0 is tailored exclusively for UHAK1032/UBSS1032 (Introduction to Entrepreneurship) students. Due to Movement Control Order (MCO), SEMS 3.0 is entirely conducted via online. After a series of judging and reviews, we now have all the winners.”
Congratulations, AHIBS!


17 May 2020 – Congratulations to Almasradi Rajeh Bati F, who has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “Leader-Member Exchange, Work-Related Attitudes and Citizenship Behaviour Among Administrators in Higher Institutions of Saudi Arabia”.
Rajeh’s study is supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Aishah Panatik and co-supervised by Dr. Nurul Farhana Mohd Noordin.
The online viva voce went on smoothly with the chairman, Prof. Dr. Kamaruzaman Yusof moderating an active discussion which made the session lively. The assistant chairman was Dr. Sabrinah Adam.
Huge thanks goes out to the external examiner, Prof. Dr. Huam Hon Tat from UPM, an expert in the field of Marketing and Entrepreneurship and the internal examiner, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ungku Norulkamar Ungku Ahmad whose research expertise are in Management and Organizational Behaviour.
Once again, congratulations to the student and the supervisors!


All the way from The USA to Malaysia ????
Catch Prof. Richard H.K Vietor, Harvard Business School Adjunct Professor for AHIBS UTM on FBlive tomorrow. A worldwide perspective will be shared by Prof Vietor who can sharpen our mind to think globally.
Trust us, you don’t want to missed it ?


Calling out to all Aviation enthusiast out there!
Don’t forget to block your date on this 12th May for an exciting webinar with outstanding speaker and moderator.
CPD and students merit will be provided.
See you there folks ?


Inviting all AHIBS respected lecturers to join this informative webinar as Dr. Mohd Khairuddin Ramliy will share good input and knowledge on online teaching.



The Final Match of UTM ERMC 2020 was successfully held on 8th May 2020. The final competition consist of 5 teams of 25 students representing Azman Hashim International Business School, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, School of Civil Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering and School of Chemical and Energy Engineering.
The champion for the Final Match of UTM ERMC 2020 goes to Superpanda team which is from Azman Hashim International Business School.
This final competition involved 2 AHIBS MonsonnSIM certified trainers (Tn Hj Shafudin Md Yatim and Dr. M.Shah Kassim) and 1 SHARP MonsonnSIM certified trainer (Dr Zulkifli Khair) along with 3 AHIBS facilitators (Dr Sabrinah Adam, Dr Mazilah Abdullah and Dr Mohd Khairuddin Ramliy). Thank you AHIBS, UTM Institute for Life Ready Graduate and in collaboration with UTMXCITE for the full support and cooperation on this competition throughout this MCO period.
Stay Awesome guys!