❤️4 Nov 2019

Alhamdulilaaah Program Pembangunan Minda Usahawan Muda at Sek Men Keb Kulai Besar was run smoothly yesterday.

The purpose of this program is to develop the students towards entrepreneurial mindsets, be creatives, innovative and exposed them towards the market challenges and needs.

Total 65 Form 4 students involved in this program and was facilitated by my students from UHAK 1032 class. You guyz the best!! Hugs

Numbers of activities was carried out throughout the program which was lead by Dr Mohd Khairuddin Ramliy & Dr Umar Haiyat Abdul Kohar.. Thanks for your contribution, supports throughout this program.. Both of you are awesome!! Kudos!!

?Millions thanks to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kulai Besar and Azman Hashim International Business School UTM for your kind support throughout this program.. Really appreciate… Without your support and cooperation for this program, it will not succeed.

Postgraduate Research Carnival 2019

??‍???‍?Postgraduate Research Carnival 2019

Attended GRex as a Jury for Social Sciences track this morning with my colleagues Dr Vee and Dr MK.. Thanks for this big opportunity dear organizing teams especially to my bestie Dr Q as an advisor for this event, En Fathi and of course my lovely sister Musliha??


Business Idea Pitching_section 23

This morning we have a business idea pitching competition in class. They understand well on their project and able to answer all the questions.. I am so happy that my outcome for this project is clear and well understood by the student in this section. Thank you.

all of you are well talented.. btw all pf you looks preety and handsome with your outfit?