Your Smile was a Trap, My Heart was the Prey


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Knowing you brings the blessing of sunshine and the joy of laughter to my life…

priority … [Continue reading]

Aku hanyalah Serangga…..

Mengapa aku tak dapat melupakanmuAntara perjalananSuci menangkap waktuMembuat aku rindu Bukannya aku tewas dalam perjuanganMembelai impianSebentar tadi akuLihat sinar matamu Meronai garis-garis kesetiaanSemakin kelam dan amat panjangBagaimana … [Continue reading]

“Life’s Brief Candle”

Life isn't beautiful always.. Sometime it's scary and dark... ? … [Continue reading]

“Crying is not the solution. It makes you feel better but not stronger. Close your eyes and smile and you will be okay”

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Berbahagialah Ketika Diuji Oleh Ujian Yang DiberiNya

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, …Dan sesungguhnya kepada Tuhanmulah kesudahannya segala sesuatu, Dan sesungguhnya Dialah yang menjadikan orang tertawa dan menangis. Dan sesungguhnya Dialah yang mematikan dan menghidupkan…”— An-Najm: 42-44 … [Continue reading]

“Sometimes you just want to go home”

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YOU are always in my Dua’s

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Some relationship can never be defined or explained.... they are connected soulfully and and telepathically...they need not stay together or talk daily....they get to know each other without being told... we don't need to be together to be one ~But … [Continue reading]

A negative mind will never give you a positive life

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