Life isn’t beautiful always..
Sometime it’s scary and dark… ?
Life is short,so make it Sweet and Awesome!
I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow ??
Life isn’t beautiful always..
Sometime it’s scary and dark… ?
…Dan sesungguhnya kepada Tuhanmulah kesudahannya segala sesuatu, Dan sesungguhnya Dialah yang menjadikan orang tertawa dan menangis. Dan sesungguhnya Dialah yang mematikan dan menghidupkan…”
— An-Najm: 42-44
Some relationship can never be defined or explained…. they are connected soulfully and and telepathically…they need not stay together or talk daily….they get to know each other without being told… we don’t need to be together to be one ~But yet we are one~
Dear Brain, please let me sleep
Don't talk about me until you have talked to me......
Don't underestimate me until you challenge me.......
Don't judge me until you truly know me............
Speak up