As I navigate the world of learning, I’ve come to realize that academia isn’t just about books and exams – it’s a profound journey that shapes who I am. This journey is guided by fundamental principles that influence everything I do.

UTM Motto, “In the Name of God for Mankind,” reminds me that what we learn and share goes beyond just personal gains. It’s about making a positive impact on humanity. This idea fuels my drive to do better and be better. The Vision of “A Premier University Providing World-Class Education and Research” and the Mission of “To Develop Holistic Talents and Prosper Lives Through Knowledge and Innovative Technologies” of UTM lights my path. I see myself as a part of this mission, contributing to creating well-rounded individuals who can use knowledge and new ideas to shape the future. The combination of knowledge and new technologies isn’t just a goal; it’s like a way of thinking that I try to follow.

The core values we hold – Integrity, Synergy, Excellence, and Sustainability – guide my decisions and actions. They remind me to stay honest, work together, always do my best, and ensure that what I do has a lasting and positive impact.

When I think about the bigger plan of our university, it’s like we’re all working together to achieve some important goals. Pushing the boundaries of education and research motivates me to explore new things. Being flexible and understanding when things get tough shows me the importance of adapting and being kind to others.

When I look at the things we’re really focusing on, they’re like guiding principles for all of us. Making sure everyone learns more than just facts reminds me that life is a great teacher too. Helping our teachers and staff get better at what they do shows that our university cares about the people who help us learn.

The emphasis on values teaches me that learning goes beyond facts and figures. It’s also about being a good person and making our world better. Building strong ties between the university, industries, government, and communities tells me that our education matters beyond the campus.

Thinking about our goal of becoming a top research university in Malaysia by 2025 inspires me. It’s like we’re all working towards this big achievement together, and I want to do my part.

In this academic journey, my soul finds its home. It’s a place where dreams become reality, where values guide our actions, and where learning connects with making things better. I walk this path, keeping our university’s values, visions, and goals in mind, letting my soul flourish in the exciting world of academia.