
Mengatasi “Kecenderungan Tidur” di dalam Kuliah Universiti

Pengenalan Kita semua pernah mendengar satu jenaka mengenai bagaimana seorang ibu mampu menidurkan seorang anak dengan mudah, tetapi seorang pensyarah boleh menidurkan sebahagian pelajar kelas dalam satu kuliah universiti. Namun, bagaimanakah kita boleh mengatasi masalah ini? Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi “Kecenderungan Tidur” dalam Kuliah: Cara Mengatasi “Kecenderungan Tidur” dalam Kuliah: Kesimpulan Dengan sedikit panduan ini, kita boleh mengatasi masalah “kecenderungan tidur” dalam kuliah di universiti. Ingat, pensyarah dan pelajar juga manusia, dan sedikit sentuhan jenaka ini boleh membuat pengalaman pembelajaran lebih menyeronokkan. Jadi, mari kita bersama-sama hadapi tidur dalam kuliah dengan senyuman!

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Facebook headquarters’ address is 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025. 1 Hacker Way was apparently the second choice after 1 Social Circle. Both of which fit the Facebook culture and product quite nicely. “Hacking is core to how we build at Facebook,” the company said in a blog post announcing Facebook’s 2012 Hacker Cup competition. “Whether we’re building a prototype for a major product like Timeline at a Hackathon, creating a smarter search algorithm, or tearing down walls at our new headquarters, we’re always hacking to find better ways to solve problems”. In 2003, Mark Zuckerberg hacked into the

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Privacy on Smartphones – Part 2

Remove Carrier IQ on your Android devices. A free Android app “Voodoo Carrier IQ Detector ” can be used to detect the presence of Carrier IQ on your smartphone. In December 2011, Federal Bureau of Investigation director Robert Mueller testified before the US Congress, “We may obtain information that in some way Carrier IQ may have been involved with. … [but the FBI] has neither sought nor obtained any information from Carrier IQ in any one of our investigations”. Turn off automatic scanning for WiFi networks when you are not using WiFi. When a smartphone is automatically scanning for WiFi

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