Good Info Indeed!

Living Near Greenery May Help You Live Longer


CreditHiroko Masuike/The New York Times

Living near greenery may help you live longer.

Researchers monitored 108,630 women who completed biannual questionnaires on their health and lifestyle from 2000 to 2008. During that time, 8,604 died. Using satellite imagery, they tracked the extent of seasonal vegetation where the women lived. The study controlled for socioeconomic status, age, race, body mass index, physical activity, smoking, education and other health and behavioral factors. read more

The New York Times,

Shocking information about workers nowadays!

MORE than 45 million working days have been lost due to stress, anxiety and depression in the past three years.

PUBLISHED: 00:01, Sun, Apr 17, 2016

Stressed womanGETTY

Last year alone a record 17 million working days were lost, costing the economy at least £2.4billion

Last year alone a record 17 million working days were lost, costing the economy at least £2.4billion, according to the UK Statistics Authority.Read more, Sunday Express UK, World Health Organization, International Labor Organization

Cast your votes!

KUCHING: Sarawakians go to the polls on May 7, while the nomination of candidates has been fixed on April 25, said the Election Commission (EC).

May 3 has been fixed for early voting.

The dates for the 11th Sarawak state electiosn were announced by EC chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Hashim Abdullah yesterday.

Read more

Good news for civil servants

PUTRAJAYA: Civil servants will soon earn a monthly salary of at least RM1,200 – above the national minimum wage – under the move to rationalise the public service scheme.

The scheme, effective July 1, will see those in the lowest grade in the civil service – Grade 11 – earning RM1,200 compared with RM837 a month now.

Read more: Here

More News: The Star


TMJ vs YB Khairy Jamaluddin

KUALA LUMPUR: Tunku Mahkota Johor, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim mengakui tidak sabar menanti tarikh bagi perbahasan membincangkan mengenai punca kemerosotan bola sepak negara sambil terus menegaskan ia perlu dibuat secara terbuka. Tunku Ismail yang juga Penaung Diraja Persatuan Bola Sepak Negeri Johor (PBNJ), berkata perbahasan itu bukan saja perlu dilakukan secara terbuka di hadapan semua penyokong bola sepak Malaysia, malah dapat disaksikan seluruh negara.

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