In 2014 (almost 2 year ago), UTM has been announced as the smoke-free areas (UTM Circular). It is pretty clear that the rule has also applied to our FM building. But, I still found cigarette butts on the faculty’s stairs and corridor. May be the smokers are not human being who are able to read the circular or understand the no smoking notice (I guess so..). Or it could be monkeys that intentionally come to the faculty and having cigarettes (since the location of our faculty surrounded by bush..another hypothesis comes into my mind now). So, I can conclude that only monkeys are allowed to smoke in the faculty building (seems they are unable to read the notice/circular etc) but not for human being. HAHAHAHAHAHAH NO OFFENSE!




Welcome back to the Faculty of Management, UTM.

Recently, our faculty has enforced the rules of parking (click here) and please follow it. Don’t waste your money to pay the PENALTY (FINE)!  Let show to others that you are civilised students and able to understand the rule.

HCI short drama

The User is a King and an example of Short Drama from Stanford University.
This could give some inspiration to your group presentation