Athlete. As Free Athletes it’s in our DNA: the hunger to become the best we can be. Average is just not enough for us. We want to break records, smash boundaries and push our minds and bodies to reach new limits. Self-development is the name of our game and should be present in everything you do. Read on to discover our three stages of self-development and how to use this as a strategy to awaken your inner strengths.
1. Gaining physical strength
Training helps you develop physically. It’s a matter of fact that you become generally fitter, leaner, stronger and also more muscular. You gain a great physique. Everyday life becomes easier: sprinting to catch the bus, playing with your kids, having pain free joints, lifting objects…the list goes on. Physical strength gives you a better quality of life. Being healthy and fit gains you time rather than taking it away. By constantly leaving your comfort zone, you naturally become more disciplined and dedicated in everyday situations. And this leads us to the next stage of your self-development.
2. Becoming mentally strong
Physical strength is like a 2 for 1 offer: it doesn’t come alone. As your body gets stronger, so does your mind. You gain the mental strength that helps you become a more confident person, facing situations with a positive mindset. Freeletics is tough. It’s a mental grind to get through a God workout. But it’s worth it. It awakens the muscle you need to be successful and trains it to be more driven and less fearful: your mind. This will help you in your job, in relationships with others and also your other hobbies. You approach situations differently, with a hope for success, rather than a fear of failure. This will strengthen you as well as your environment and has an impact on your interaction with the people around you.
3. Experiencing personal growth
Then, comes personal growth. As you experience the benefits of training and the way healthy eating makes you feel, your training will become a habit and your nutrition will get cleaner. Leading to a feeling of purity within your body. If you’re wondering what the awakening is – this is it! The moment you realize how far you’ve come, how much you’ve achieved, and how much potential still lies in you, waiting to be unleashed. The moment you see how much you’ve grown since you took your first step on to the training ground. You chose this path and no matter which obstacles stood in your way, you continued on your journey. Be proud of this development. Not just in your strength and speed, but in your mind and your outlook on life. This is your strongest weapon.