Lagging productivity within the construction industry is nothing new.

Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is a business management strategy focused on the analysis and design of workflows and processes within an organization. BPR—with a focus on standardization and optimization—is a smart approach towards boosting E&C productivity because reengineering is the easiest place to earn some quick wins.

Most large owners, contractors, EPCs, and consultants we work with are undertaking some form of process standardization initiative. Standardization can help launch large scale business transformation programs once organizations grasp the value of this approach.

Below are four questions that are typically asked before adopting BPR:

  1. What processes are typically executed and how long do they take on average?
  2. Which systems are used and how does information flow across organizational boundaries?
  3. Are there obvious areas of efficiency improvements?
  4. How do we move the dial, how long will it take, and what competitive advantage can we gain?

We’ve worked on thousands of projects across the world at Aconex. In our analysis, there’s a stark contrast between what’s documented as “the process” (including design, cycle times, and quality) versus what happens in the field. Understanding this difference between expected and actual outcomes and crafting ways to manage this variability could be a game changer. With nearly $50 trillion in capital investment projected over the next 15 years, managing variability will be paramount as the need for global infrastructure projects continues to expand. Read more here.