Soul as Academia

My first teaching experience was an international secondary school teacher, where I taught Art and Design. It was an amazing 3 years of experience of ups and downs, which has led me to further embark my wings in UTM. That was the moment I think I fall in love with teaching, and I can share my knowledge, skills and meet different people in my life.

Alhamdullillah. Now, I am one of the academicians in UTM Skudai. Of course, it is much more challenging. Research and publications are my new best friends. Lots of new issues, studies need to be done, especially about my field, fashion design in education and TVET. This is the major that I want to focus on so that I can be one of the experts that my students and other academicians can look up to. Of course, I want develop myself with new findings and hope to give it back to the next generation. Through new knowledge acquired from the research, I need to slowly move to the consultation phase. This is where I think new innovative teaching and learning methods can be implemented in my class, so that my students will be able to be problem solvers and adapt to real world problems. Apart from that, to get more new comers for this field, I need to collaborate and build networking with others especially from the industry. So that I can always updated with the new practices and technologies that quickly evolved, especially in fashion world.

With all the knowledge and experiences, then I can publish new findings through publications and share to other academicians, students, and industries by actively participating in conferences and even competitions. I believe with sharing knowledge; we will receive more than what we give. Never under estimate the power of sharing and giving.

I am just grateful if my students would be able to leave the class with earnest knowledge. I really hope that each phase of teaching and learning, they can reflect it back to their life.