by Mohd Sharul Hafiz | Feb 25, 2015 | Blog
Sekiranya anda menggunakan versi selain yang terkini, update segera! Posted from WordPress for Android
by Mohd Sharul Hafiz | Feb 23, 2015 | sample code, troubleshooting
Ok, sebenarnya tak hilang, cuma masa setup site fakulti sains ni, kita dah set 1 user je yang boleh view dashboard tu. Tapi oleh sebab user tu dah dihijack oleh webmaster fakulti, kenalah create baru untuk master webmaster ni. Caranya, kena add 1 line pada...
by Mohd Sharul Hafiz | Feb 23, 2015 | server configuration
Bila cuti, server pun down.. Yang pertama, partition log penuh, mysql tak boleh function. Bila check, file modsec_access.log bersaiz 67GB – kenapa plesk tak rotate file ni, tak tahu. Selepas delete, mysql up semula. Tak lama lepas tu, mysql down lagi, cuba...
by Mohd Sharul Hafiz | Feb 21, 2015 | cloud, random
Anda pengguna Dropbox? Nak free 100GB storage daripada OneDrive? Klik di sini 🙂
by Mohd Sharul Hafiz | Feb 20, 2015 | meeting
Item: Incorrect figure of undergraduate student at UTM facts and figures Creating facebook group for Office of Undergraduate new website – amrie, azizol, ?