Dr Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Shaikh Salim

B. Eng (Mechanical) (UTM), Master of Engineering (Mechanical) (UTM), PhD (Energy & Environmental Engineering) (Kyushu University)

About Sheikh Ahmad Zaki

I graduated from the Kyushu University, Japan with a PhD in Energy and Environmental Engineering. My research interest on thermal comfort, building and environmental engineering, and wind engineering.


I teach in the areas of Mechanical Engineering at the undergraduate level.


I am happy to supervise postgraduate student in the field of building and environmental engineering, thermal comfort, and wind engineering.

Assoc. Prof.


Department of Mechanical Precision Engineering, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), UTM Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, 54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Email: sheikh.kl@utm.my

Research Interests

  • Urban Climatology
  • Urban Heat Islands
  • Building Environmental Engineering
  • Wind Engineering
  • CFD
  • Thermal Comfort