SSCM1103 Statistics :

First-year Undergraduate Course for Sciences Students and Second-year Undergraduate Course for Chemistry Students

The course is an introduction to statistics, reviewing some descriptive statistics which includes probability and random variables. Then, the topic of sampling distributions and inferential statistics, which include estimation procedures and hypothesis testing, is covered. The latter using the method of analysis of variance when more than two means are involved. Also, simple linear regression and contingency table are introduced. Students will be trained in the use of computer software such as Microsoft Excel and SPSS.

SSCE 1693 Engineering Maths 1 :

First-year Undergraduate Course for Engineering Students

Engineering Mathematics I includes topics in basic calculus and algebra. The focus is on differentiation and integration of functions involving inverse trigonometric functions, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions; improper integrals; series; vectors including line and plane equation; matrices including vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors; polar coordinates; and complex numbers including de Moivre theorem.

SSCM 4863 Financial Mathematics :

Fourth-year Undergraduate Course for Sciences Students

The first part of the course begins with an introduction to basic financial mathematics covering the computation of simple interest and discount rates, deriving the compound interest, and applications of different rates of interest in determining the present and future values of different types of annuities for different time periods. The second part of the course relates to the subject of financial derivatives and its concepts. Two main option pricing models for pricing derivatives are examined specifically the Binomial option pricing model and the Black-Scholes option pricing model.

SSCE 2193 Statistics :

Undergraduate Course for Engineering Students

This course begins with an introduction to statistics in engineering, elementary probability theory and properties of probability distributions. Next, an introduction to sampling distribution, point and interval estimation of parameters and hypothesis testing is covered. The latter is extended to a one-way analysis of variance when testing more than two means are considered. Goodness-of-fit and independence tests as well as a simple linear regression are also taught in this course. Students will also be exposed to and trained in the use of computer software such as Microsoft Excel and SPSS to carry out a practical data analysis.