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Assalammualaikum and Hi!


She is a  senior lecturer in Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. She  graduated with a Bachelor  degree and a Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering, and a Doctor of Philosophy from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Her field of interests are pavement materials and transportation engineering.

“The first essence of being an academician at UTM is that whenever we enter the gate, we can clearly see the motto “Kerana Tuhan Untuk Manusia”. For me, it represents everything. UTM Philosophy says that ‘The divine law of Allah is the foundation of knowledge. In line with His Will, UTM strives with total commitment to attain excellence in science, technology and engineering for the well-being and prosperity of mankind’. For me, the soul of an academician is born when we commit to the pursuit of knowledge to understand the world, conduct research and contribute to the organization and society with full of passion to strive for the mission of ‘To Develop Holistic Talents and Prosper Lives Through Knowledge and Innovation Technologies’.

In line with the UTM envision 2025 with the vision to aim A Premier University Providing World-Class Education and Research, as an academician, I am full of responsibilities to commit with the values of Integrity, Sustainability, Synergy and Excellence as core values and principles to drive the soul of academia. To support these core values, Five Strategic Thrusts and Eight Strategic Priorities are significant to revolve a world-class university that provides a long-term sustainability of institutional growth. It is a challenge, yet with comprehensive strategies and working with soul as a dedicated academician, it is an achievable goal.

As an academician, I am so glad to be part of a prestigious university that gives me a strong foundation to pursue my research area. I believe that we should put our passion and work hard to contribute to quality research and be able to become one of the Fantastic Four that has been listed as the top research in UTM. In my opinion, being a quality researcher emphasizes a combination of expertise, good attitudes, discipline and practices in innovating solutions to contribute lifelong learning to the organization, industry and society as a whole through education and research.

In addition, to support our university to become a top-ranked university in Malaysia and the world, I certainly need to be fast in work, extend collaboration with industries and be resilient as an academician. In summary, for me, an academician should put a soul on it with passion and commitment to develop more expertise with clear strategies. Instead, we should see the organization as a whole to empower each other to build good future leaders/students. I firmly believe that, the crucial part of being an academician, we should respect and appreciate each other, be honest in teaching and delivering knowledge to contribute to mankind.” ~SNN~

H-Index and Research Grant






My Pages

‘Que sera, sera – Whatever will be, will be..

“Whatever happens, just keep walking. A small step might give a huge changes.”

“Create your own happiness.”

“Keep your efforts and Du’aa. Do believe and never doubt on Him.”

In life, You’ll have up and down. When it’s down, You’ll go up. And when it’s up, You prepared for a down.

Every successful person has a painful story, Every painful story has a successful ending.

“Live in this world as if you are a traveler.” – Prophet Muhammad SAW


Senior Lecturer, Ph.D

Department of Geotechnics & Transportation.

Pavement & Transportation Research Group (PTRG)