I’m not a fan of badminton, I’d be too slow and stiff to play it well. BUT-I’M-WRONG. Badminton BEST! Dan harini dalam sejarah I’m join the badminton game competition secara paksa rela haha! for the first time ever main badminton for real. What an experience.
Gazillion Thanks to iSEReNE (consortium of six Institutes under Deputy-Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation) yang menganjurkan Program High Performance Delivery iSEReNE: Siri Kejohanan Badminton 2024 pada 22 Februari di Kompleks Sukan, Pusat Kecemerlangan Sukan UTM.
IFE manage to squeeze time for training, 3 times every Thursday before game. Most of us newbies tapi siapa sangka, berbekalkan semangat kesokanan – WE WON NO.3 !!!!!!!! Alhamdulillah. Thank you pada semua team yang banyak mengajar, proud to have an awesome spirit team! Semua sporting!
So, next game bring it on!