Archives for January 4, 2017

Application of Concurrency to System Design 2017: Call-for-Papers: Abstracts due Jan 13

Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2017)

Zaragoza, Spain, June 28-30, 2017


submission deadline (abstracts):    January 13, 2017
submission deadline (papers):       January 20, 2017
notification of acceptance:         March 17, 2017
camera-ready submission deadline:   April 15, 2017
conference sessions:                June 26-30, 2017


The conference aims at cross-fertilizing both theoretical and applied research
about formal approaches (in a broad sense) to designing computer systems that
exhibit some kind of concurrent behaviour. In particular, the following topics
are of interest:

* Formal models of computation and concurrency for the above systems and
problems, like data-flow models, communicating automata, Petri nets,
process algebras, graph rewriting systems, state charts, MSCs, modal and
temporal logics
* Compositional design principles like modular synthesis, distributed
simulation and implementation, distributed control, adaptivity,
supervisory control
* Algorithms and tools for concurrent systems, ranging from programming
languages to algorithmic methods for system analysis and construction,
including model checking, verification, and static analysis techniques
as well as synthesis procedures
* Synchronous and asynchronous systems on all design levels:
polychronous systems, endochronous systems, globally asynchronous locally
synchronous systems
* Cyber-physical systems, hybrid systems, networked systems, and networks in
biological systems
* High-performance computer architectures like many-core processors,
networks on chip, graphics processing units, instruction-level parallelism,
dataflow architectures,  up to ad-hoc, mobile, and wireless networks
* Memory consistency models for multiprocessor and multicore architectures,
replicated data, including software and hardware memory models,
DRAM scheduling, cache coherency, memory-aware algorithms
* Real-time aspects, including hard real-time requirements, security and
safety-critical issues, functional and timing verification
* Implementation aspects like resource management, including task and
communication scheduling, network-, memory-, and power-management,
energy/power distribution, fault-tolerance, quality of service,
scalability, load balancing, power proportionality
* Design principles for concurrent systems, in particular hardware/software
co-design, platform-based design, component-based design, energy-aware
design, refinement techniques, hardware/software abstractions,
cross-layer optimization
* Business process modelling, workflow execution systems,
process (de-)composition, inter-organizational and heterogeneous workflow
systems, systems for computer-supported collaborative work, web services
* Case studies of general interest, from industrial applications to consumer
electronics and multimedia, automotive systems, (bio-)medical applications,
neuromorphic applications, internet (of things) and grid computing,
to gaming applications.


ACSD seeks papers describing original work which has not been previously published
and is not under review for publication elsewhere. All files must be prepared
using the latest IEEE Computer Society conference proceedings guidelines
(8.5″ x 11″ two-column format). The page limit for regular papers is 10 pages.

In addition to regular submissions, there will be a tools section. Tools will be
presented at the conference in an interactive session. Related papers describe a
tool, its functionality and interfaces as well as the underlying algorithms and
implementation aspects. These tool papers are limited to 6 pages.

Conference proceedings will be published on IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Accepted
regular and tool papers will be included in the conference proceedings. At least
one authors of each accepted contribution is expected to present the paper or
tool at the conference, and will be required to sign the IEEE copyright release

Several papers will be considered for publication in extended and revised form
in a special issue of a journal. All papers have to be submitted via EasyChair:

Alex Yakovlev, UK (chair)
Alex Kondratyev, USA
Benoit Caillaud, France
Luciano Lavagno, Italy
Jordi Cortadella, Spain
Antti Valmari, Finland
Jörg Desel, Germany

Alex Legay, France
Klaus Schneider, Germany

CFP – IEEE T-SUSC Special Issue on Low-Power Dependable Computing (LPDC) – Deadline 31.Jan.2017

IEEE T-SUSC Special Issue on Low-Power Dependable Computing (LPDC)
Submission deadline (extended): Jan. 31, 2017

With the continuous technology scaling and miniaturization of computing systems, faults become more common and it is imperative for most modern computing systems to deploy various fault-tolerance techniques. Traditionally, fault tolerance is achieved in general through various error reduction, detection and recovery techniques at different levels (for instance, circuit, architecture, operating systems, compiler and application software) in the systems. On the other hand, fault-tolerance does not come for free, and generally has power/energy/temperature overheads, which warrants careful consideration since power/energy is a first-class system resource and has been emerging as a significant limiting factor for multicore scaling. In particular, understanding the interdependencies between reliability and power are important to consider, e.g., high power consumption may lead to elevated temperature that can further aggravate reliability. In response to these challenges, this special issue seeks original contributions on novel and bold ideas to achieve low-power dependable computing (LPDC).

Topics of Interests: This issue considers the development of models, algorithms and techniques at all levels (from circuits to software) for all components (from memory to computation) from all modern computing systems (from battery-powered embedded systems to large scale reliable servers) to enable energy efficiency and fault tolerance. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Energy-efficient redundant circuit design
* Energy-efficient fault-tolerant architecture
* Compilation techniques for reliability and low-power
* Runtime management and scheduling algorithms for energy-efficiency and fault tolerance
* Low-power reliable memory and storage systems
* Low-power and reliable on-chip networks and communication
* Mitigating reliability threats (aging, soft errors, process variations) in Dark Silicon chips
* Emerging paradigms for low-power and dependable computing (e.g., approximate computing)
* Case studies on low-power dependable systems

Instructions for Authors: The special issue opens for all submissions.  Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Previously published conference and workshop papers may only be submitted if the paper is substantially extended with at least 30% new material, where the extension requirement of 30% is not in textual volume but in novelty. Active researchers/experts in related areas will be invited for contributions. Authors of accepted papers in the Third Workshop on Low-Power Dependable Computing (LPDC), to be held with International Green and Sustainable Computing (IGSC) in November 2016, will also be invited to submit their extended work. All submissions will go through the same review process and will be treated equally in their consideration for publication.

Papers should be submitted via the Manuscript Central website ( and should follow IEEE T-SUSC author guidelines (, where the page limit is 14 (including figures and references). Moreover, please indicate that you are submitting to the Special issue on Low-Power Dependable Computing (LPDC) on the first page and in the field “Author’s Cover Letter:” in Manuscript Central.

Any questions on this special issue should be addressed to Dr. Dakai Zhu at .

Important Dates:

* Submission deadline (extended):     Jan. 31, 2017
* Preliminary notification:         Apr. 1, 2017
* Revision deadline:             May 15, 2017
* Final notification:             Jul. 15, 2017
* Final manuscript due:         Aug. 1, 2017
* Publication:                 Dec. 2017

Guest Co-Editors:

Dr. Dakai Zhu,         University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Dr. Muhammad Shafique,     Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
Dr. Sudeep Pasricha,         Colorado State University, USA
Dr. Man Lin,             St. Francis Xavier University, Canada