Call for proposals for Cross-Site Collaboration Grants to initiate and promote Cross-site Actions.

EuroLab-4-HPC is pleased to announce the second call for proposals for Cross-Site Collaboration Grants to initiate and promote Cross-site Actions.

Grants are available for short cross-discipline stays, targeted at PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and academics, working in multiple layers of the HPC system stack (architecture, runtime, tools, …).  This includes HPC topics from the engineering domain, the automotive, health, mobility, security and energy sector, just to name a few. Each grant will provide a maximum of 5,000 euros to cover the travel expenses for a three- to six-week collaborative visit, which must take place between January and July 2017.  Last year, we funded seven cross-site actions, which led to several first-rate publications and ongoing collaborations.  This year we wish to fund a larger number and achieve even more.
The EuroLab-4-HPC project has the bold overall goal to build connected and sustainable European leadership in high-performance computing systems.  The project aims to bring together the different and leading performance-oriented communities in Europe, to work across all layers of the system stack, in order to tackle long-term challenges in high-performance computing (HPC) and, at the same time, fuel new HPC-centered companies.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
HPC systems beyond Exascale computing and end of technology scaling
Emerging technologies for HPC systems
Emerging programming techniques, frameworks and tools for HPC systems
Emerging applications for HPC systems
We welcome proposals for cross-site visits with precisely defined outcomes: hence, proposals should include a description of the current state and how to improve in terms of used methods and expected results. Visits should initiate or continue a long-term collaboration around one or more existing common platforms, which may be any kind of hardware or software IP.  Such platforms must be bold and disruptive with a high potential for commercialization or business generation, and the best platforms will be identified within the project to contribute to the EuroLab-4-HPC portfolio (i.e. the set of platforms that forms the basis of collaborative research).  Priority will be given to proposals judged likely to create opportunities for innovation and commercial exploitation.
Evaluation criteria will be:
•    Expected research impact
•    Concept, objectives and work plan
•    Congruity of resources and budget
•    Business impact potential
•    Applicant profile
Cross-site visits are intended to support the travel expenses for a single researcher from a source institution to visit a destination institution. Either the source or destination must be a member of EuroLab-4-HPC.  The grant consists of daily allowances up to max. 4.500 EUR and a reimbursement of the travel costs up to max. 500 EUR. The daily allowance is set at 150 EUR per day. This daily allowance should cover all expenses related to the stay (accommodation, local transportation…).

Please visit to submit your application.