H2020 Info Day: Smart Cyber-Physical Systems

1 December 2015 – Brussels, Belgium – BREYDEL – room AUDITORIUM, Avenue d’ Auderghem 45 , 1040

H2020 Info Day: Smart Cyber-Physical Systems, Digital Automation, Smart Anything Everywhere, ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs Initiatives, and Photonics Laser-based Production


The objective of the day will be to inform the participants about the H2020 calls on Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (ICT 1), Digital Automation (FOF 11), Smart Anything Everywhere initiative (ICT 4), ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs I4MS (FOF 12) and Photonics laser-based production (FoF 13). Participants will get the occasion to present their proposal ideas for these topics and to network with other participants. In addition it will be possible to ask questions to Commission staff about proposal ideas.