Secured data partitioning in multi cloud environment

Secured data partitioning in multi cloud environment

Hazila Hasan; Suriayati Chuprat

(Profiled Author: Suriayati Chuprat)

2014 4th World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, WICT 2014. 2015:146-151.


© 2014 IEEE.Data security and privacy have become the biggest concern in cloud computing due to the fact that data can be compromised if cloud service storage is being attacked or during cloud service breakdown. Therefore, the adoption of data partitioning in multi cloud environment to address this issue has attracted academia and researchers’ interest. Hence, this paper will discuss the concept of data partitioning, the current state-of-the-art of data partitioning and secured data partitioning in multi cloud environment. We then compared the current security approaches used to secure data partitioning in multi cloud environment. Lastly, we conclude that pure data partitioning alone is insufficient to address data security and privacy problem. Therefore, we will extend this issue for our future work.