Archives for February 2018

The Suitcase

The Suitcase

A Businessman was deep in debt and could not see any way out.
A man died, when he realized it, he saw God coming closer with a suitcase in his hand.
– God said: Alright son its time to go.
– surprised the man responded: Now? So soon? I had a lot of plans…
– I’m sorry but its time to go.

– What do you have in that suitcase? the man asked.
– God answered: Your belongings.
– My belongings? you mean my things, my clothes, my money?
– God answered: Those things were not yours they belonged to the earth.

– Is it my memories? the man asked.
– God answered: those never belonged to you they belonged to Time

– Is it my talents?
– God answered: those were never yours they belonged to the circumstances.

– Is it my friends and family?
– God answered: I’m sorry they were never yours they belonged to the path.

– Is it my wife and son?
– God answered: They were never yours the belonged to your heart.

– Is it my body?
– God answered: that was never yours it belonged to the dust.

– Is it my soul?
– God answered: No that is mine.

Full of fear, the man took the suitcase from god and opened it just to find out the suitcase was empty.
– With a tear coming down his cheek the man said: I never had anything???
– God answered: that is correct, every moment you lived were only for yours. You never lived for somebody who is not related to u in any way.


Do something for other people who cant return the favour back to you. Life is just a moment. A moment that belongs to you.

– Live Now
– Live your life
– Don’t forget to be happy and make others happy, as that is the only thing that matters.
– Material things and everything else that you fought for stay here.

Share this reflection with anyone you love or appreciate. Enjoy and let others Enjoy!

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Ceramah Perdana 2.0 UTM

Toastmasters Club : The Midas Touch


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Anugerah Seni dan Kreativiti Citra Karisma



UTM Summer School – Malaysia Heritage Walks & Town Trails 2018 – National University Of Civil Engineering (NUCE)

JOHOR BAHRU, 13 Februari 2018 – Seramai 25 orang peserta yang terdiri dari wakil program Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah, Fakulti Alam Bina UTM (7 pelajar dan 1 pensyarah pengiring) dan Faculty of Architecture and Planning (FAP), National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE) dari Hanoi, Vietnam (15 pelajar dan 2 pensyarah pengiring) telah telah menyertai program UTM Summer SchoolMalaysia Heritage Walks & Town Trails2018. Program UTM Summer School anjuran Fakulti Alam Bina UTM (FAB UTM) melalui Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah (JPBW) ini merupakan edisi kali ke-5 bersama pihak NUCE dan yang pertama selepas Perjanjian Persefahaman (MoU) ditandatangani pada Oktober 2017 antara kedua-dua institusi pengajian.

Program ini diketuai oleh Dr. Noor Aimran Samsudin, Pensyarah Kanan Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah UTM selaku pengarah program. Matlamat utama program ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan usaha pemeliharaan bandar dari perspektif bidang perancangan bandar selain memupuk perasaan kecintaan terhadap nilai warisan tempatan dalam konteks alam bina melalui lawatan teknikal ke beberapa bandar warisan dan tapak bersejarah terpilih seperti Bandar Maharani Bandar Diraja dan Tapak Warisan Dunia UNESCO Bandaraya Melaka Bersejarah selain ke Putrajaya dan Kuala Lumpur.

Sebuah slot perkongsian kuliah turut dianjurkan pada hari pertama program yang disampaikan oleh pengarah program, Dr. Noor Aimran Samsudin berkaitan kepentingan pemeliharaan identiti bandar warisan tempatan manakala Dr. Lee Yoke Lai dari Jabatan Senibina Landskap berkongsi mengenai identiti landskap budaya Malaysia dan sumbangannya terhadap karektor setempat. Delegasi Vietnam yang diketuai oleh Dr. Nguyen Cao Lanh, Timbalan Presiden FAP NUCE telah disambut kehadirannya ke UTM oleh Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamad Rafee Majid, Timbalan Dekan (Penyelidikan, Inovasi, Komersialisasi dan Jaringan).

Aktiviti seperti ini telah berjaya membantu merealisasikan Bidang Tumpuan ke-7 dalam Pelan Global UTM 2012-2020 iaitu “Memperkasakan jenama UTM di peringkat global”. Program UTM Summer School yang bermula pada 31 Januari sehingga 5 Februari 2017 ini turut diisi dengan penganjuran bengkel mini yang menekankan akan pentingnya pengukuhan identiti bandar warisan dengan citra tempatan. Peserta dikehendaki untuk mengenalpasti komponen dan elemen reka bentuk bandar yang menyumbang ke arah pembentukan identiti tempatan.

Hari-1, Khamis (1 Februari 2018) : Sesi kuliah dan bertolak ke Muar

Hari-2, Jumaat (2 Februari 2018) : Menyelusuri Sungai Muar

Pada sebelah pagi, peserta dibawa menyelusuri Sungai Muar menaiki bot dari Jeti Tanjung Emas. Dengan menyelusuri sungai, peserta berpeluang melihat keindahan Bandar Diraja dari sudut visual dan pemandangan yang berbeza. Bandar Maharani yang mula dibuka sejak tahun 1887 semasa zaman pemerintahan Sultan Abu Bakar berkembang pesat selari mengikut tebing sungai sehingga muara Sungai Muar. Pada hari ini kewujudan bangunan warisan yang masih terpelihara seperti istana, masjid, pejabat daerah, mahkamah, balai polis dan deretan bangunan rumah kedai tradisional menghidupkan persekitaran bandar tersebut sebagai sebuah Bandar Diraja di Johor. Peserta berpeluang menyelusuri sejarah Kesultanan Johor dan hubungkaitnya dengan sejarah kegemilangan Melaka. Seterusnya, lawatan diteruskan lagi ke Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah. Ketika di Melaka, peserta dibawa menyelusuri laluan jejak warisan yang ditetapkan oleh penganjur. Permulaan perjalanan dimulakan dengan memberi pendedahan kepada sejarah Bandaraya Melaka. Peserta didedahkan dengan sejarah kewujudan Kota Melaka (A‟ Famosa) yang pernah menjadi pusat pentadbiran kepada sebuah kerajaan maritim terunggul di sebelah Timur bermula zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka sebelum ditawan oleh Portugis, Belanda dan British. Perjalanan diteruskan lagi ke Muzium Istana Kesultanan Melayu Melaka bagi memberi

pendedahan tentang sejarah permulaan Melaka pada zaman dahulu dan pengetahuan berhubung institusi Kesultanan Melayu Melaka. Selain itu, peserta dapat menerokai dan melihat paparan koleksi pakaian tradisional, aksesori perhiasan dan peralatan senjata yang digunakan pada zaman dahulu. Setelah selesai menerokai muzium tersebut, pelajar dibawa ke Bukit St. Paul bagi melihat Gereja St. Paul dengan lebih jelas. Di sini, peserta didedahkan dengan pelbagai pengetahuan yang melibatkan pembentukan sejarah daripada para pensyarah. Pada sebelah malam pula, peserta diraikan dalam sebuah jamuan di Restoran Muara Sungai Duyung.

Hari-3 Sabtu (3 Februari 2018) : Tapak Warisan Dunia Melaka UNESCO Melaka

Pada hari ke-3 terdapat beberapa muzium yang dilawati peserta iaitu Muzium Negeri, Muzium Etnografi dan Muzium Senibina. Kawasan deretan bangunan rumah kedai tradisional turut diterokai keunikkan senibinanya khususnya di sekitar Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock dan Jalan Jonker. Peserta diperkenalkan dengan kepelbagaian warisan nyata (tangible) dan tidak nyata (intangible) yang berkait rapat dengan Outstanding UniversalValues (OUV) yang terkandung di tapak UNESCO tersebut termasuklah melihat kehidupan masyarakat tempatan di Kg. Ketek dan Kg. Morten. Pada sebelah malam peserta turut dibawa menyelusuri Sungai Melaka melihat keindahan lampu hiasan yang menerangi pesisir sungai dan deretan rumah kedai dan perkampungan tradisional, Kampung Morten.

Hari Ke-4, Ahad (4 Februari 2018) – Putrajaya dan Kuala Lumpur

Setelah melawat di sekitar Putrajaya, peserta dibawa ke tempat penginapan yang telah disediakan. Setelah itu, para peserta dibawa ke Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) dengan menaiki pengangkutan awam. Di sini, mereka diberi peluang untuk merasai pengalaman menggunakan Transit Aliran Ringan (LRT) yang menjadi salah satu kemudahan pengangkutan moden ibu negara. Setelah sampai di KLCC, para peserta diberi peluang untuk menonton pertunjukan air pancut berirama di hadapan KLCC yang menjadi tempat ikonik. Para peserta dapat melihat dan merasasi suasana aktiviti yang dilakukan oleh warga Kuala Lumpur pada waktu malam hari. Pada pukul 11 malam, para peserta dibawa pulang dengan menaiki LRT dan berjalan kaki ke tempat penginapan.

Hari Ke-5, Isnin (5 Februari 2018) : Pembentangan akhir

Pada hari terakhir, peserta diminta membuat pembentangan mengenai identiti dan perbezaan di setiap tapak lawatan yang peserta telah lewati iaitu di Muar, Melaka, Putrajaya, dan Kuala Lumpur. Setiap peserta dibahagikan kepada 4 kumpulan dan 1 kumpulan terbahagi kepada 5 ke 6 peserta. Kumpulan 1 telah menerangkan mengenai perbezaan antara setiap tapak lawatan, kumpulan 2 menerangkan apa itu identiti di setiap tapak lawatan, manakala kumpulan 3 membentangkan mengenai keunikan makanan di Malaysia dan identiti di Muar, dan kumpulan terakhir menerangkan mengenai pelbagai jenis senibina dan identiti. Setiap kumpulan berjaya melakarkan pelbagai jenis senibina yang terdapat di setiap tempat mereka lawati. Pada akhir pembentangan, setiap pensyarah telah memberi komen yang positif kepada setiap pembentangan peserta. Wang saguhati turut diberikan kepada peserta hasil kutipan „denda‟ yang dikenakan kepada setiap peserta yang menggunakan bahasa ibunda masing-masing semasa berkomunikasi dalam program ini bagi menggalakkan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris. Majlis penutup dan sesi penyampaian sijil kepada peserta telah diadakan selepas selesai pembentangan. Selesai penyerahan sijil, peserta dibawa melawat ke sekitar Masjid Jamek. Pihak pengurusan masjid telah sudi menerangkan sejarah pembinaan masjid tersebut. Peserta juga dibawa melawat sekitar masjid dan merasai suasana di dalam masjid dan juga di masjid ini mempunyai pelbagai Al-quran terjemahan dan ini membolehkan pelancong memahami isi kandungan Al-quran tersebut. Selepas itu, peserta dibawa ke Pasar Seni dan seterusnya ke Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad-Dataran Merdeka. Pelbagai perisitwa penting berkaitan sejarah kemerdekaan negara telah dikongsikan kepada peserta di kawasan tersebut. Selesai lawatan, semua peserta telah berangkat pulang dengan menghantar delegasi Vietnam ke KLIA2 pada sebelah petang sebelum kembali pulang ke kampus UTM JB.


Program Kesedaran Kanser

True believers should be genuine & never hide their identity

mufti ismail ibn musa menk“Those who make accusations & then say “but don’t mention MY name!” have something to hide. They are either liars, troublemakers, deceivers, hypocrites or plain cowards. Such people destroy homes, cause conflict & create disunity whilst trying to be in the good books of all sides. Matters cannot be resolved when those making the claims are unknown. True believers should be genuine & never hide their identity.” (Mufti Ismail Menk. June 14, 2011)



Remember Allah

remembrance of Allah


Take me

Posted on September 5, 2017 by STORIESFORMUSLIMKIDS8 Comments
In Ghana, a reporter for a Turkish newspaper was taking some video footage with a drone when it mistakenly landed in front of a poor man’s house.

The man was delighted. He picked the drone* up and as he was returning it to the journalist, he asked,”Do you have one large enough to take me for Hajj*?”
The reporter laughed. He took a photo of the man and posted the following image and the man’s question onto his Twitter page.

The tweet* went viral* and many people got to know about the man’s wish. All the readers saw was the sincere man’s photo and the story.  The story touched many hearts indeed. In one short question, the man was able to express a thought and desire that must have been growing inside of him for many decades.
Lo and behold, Allah* soon answered the needy man’s du’aa*! Allah enabled Turkey’s Foreign Ministry, some charities and sponsors to come forward. They donated money to the man whose name we now know. He is called Al-Hassan Abdullah. And, guess what? Al-Hassan Abdullah will perform the Hajj this year. Alhamdulillah*!


Just imagine the dream that Al-Hassan Abdullah had. Can you picture how often and how sincerely he would have requested Allah to make this journey possible. He must have made many, many du’aa to Allah, asking Allah to make him go to Hajj.  It must have seemed impossible for Al-Hassan Abdullah, but he did not give up making du’aa. He had no money, no passport, no means to get out of his village. And yet, out of nowhere, a small aerial* messenger came and landed in front of his house, a harbinger* of bigger news.
This story reminds us of a quote from the Quran,
“…And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him a way out.
And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him…”
(Quran; 65:2 and 65:3)

Whoever puts his trust in Allah, Allah will provide for him from where he never suspected. Du’aa is the weapon of the believer. The believer uses it to fight each and every battle, even those that seemed unwinnable. For when Allah wishes victory for you, no one can possibly defeat you. Allah will create armies for you. Allah will bring the world’s people and money to your doorstep to answer your call.


Isti’azah Dan Basmalah

Istizah ialah lafaz “أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ”.
Ia juga dirakam di dalam al-Quran iaitu melalui firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud:-
“Oleh itu, apabila engkau membaca al-Quran, maka hendaklah engkau (terlebih dahulu) memohon perlindungan kepada Allah dari hasutan syaitan yang direjam.”
Surah an-Nahl 16:98

Melafazkan isti’azah sebelum membaca al-Quran ialah sunat menurut pendapat kebanyakan ulama’. Sesetengah ulama’ mengatakan hukumnya wajib.

Terdapat dua lafaz isti’azah yang boleh dibaca sebagaimana berikut:-

Lafaz isti’azah 1
Aku berlindung dengan Allah dari syaitan yang direjam
Lafaz isti’azah 2
Aku berlindung dengan Allah yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui dari syaitan yang direjam
Imam al-Syatibi dalam kitab matan beliau iaitu al-Hirzu al-Amaniy wa Wajhu al-Tahaniy berkata:-
“Apabila kamu membaca al-Quran, maka hendaklah kamu membaca isti’azah, secara terang agar mendapat perlindungan daripada Allah, seperti yang terdapat dalam surah an-Nahl yang mudah.


Jika sekiranya ditambahi lafaz tersebut, ia sebagai menyucikan nama Tuhanmu agar kamu tidak menjadi jahil.”
Ada keadaan kita perlu membaca lafaz isti’azah ini sama ada secara perlahan mahupun secara nyaring.
Antara keadaan yang memerlukan kita membaca lafaz isti’azah secara perlahan adalah:-
  • Ketika membaca al-Quran secara perlahan
  • Dalam solat fardhu ataupun sunat, tidak kira secara berjemaah atau berseorangan, dan tidak kira sebagai imam atapun makmum, selaras dengan sifat solat Rasulullah SAW
  • Ketika berada dalam kumpulan yang sedang bertadarus al-Quran

Selain daripada keadaan-keadaan yang dinyatakan di atas, maka disunatkan kita membaca lafaz isti’azah ini dengan nyaring.

Menyambung Bacaan Dengan Basmalah dan Isti’azah

Sebenarnya ada empat cara untuk membaca isti’azah dan bismillah di awal surah:-
  • Menyambung ketiga-tiga sekaligus iaitu isti’azah dan bismillah serta ayat pertama surah dengan satu nafas
  • Membacakannya satu persatu
  • Menyambung isti’azah dan bismillah dengan satu nafas dan berhenti. Kemudian membaca ayat yang pertama
  • Membaca isti’azah dan berhenti. Seterusnya membaca bismillah dan ayat pertama sekaligus dengan satu nafas

Selain itu, terdapat tiga pendapat yang berkaitan dengan cara membaca basmalah antara surah sebagaimana dibincangkan oleh ulama’ qiraat.

Pendapat Pertama:-

Tetap perlu membaca basmalah di setiap awal surah. Ini menurut qiraat Imam Ibn Kathir, riwayat Walun daripada Imam Nafi’, Imam ‘Asim, Imam al-Kisa’i dan Imam Abu Ja’afar.

Pendapat Kedua:-

Menyambung terus ayat terakhir satu surah dengan ayat pertama surah berikutnya tanpa membaca basmalah. Ini menurut Imam Hamzah dan Imam Khalaf al-‘Asyir.

Pendapat Ketiga:-

Tidak perlu membaca basmalah sama ada dengan cara sepertimana pendapat kedua ataupun dengan cara melakukan saktah (tanpa bernafas) semasa ayat terakhir satu surah dengan ayat pertama surah berikutnya. Ini menurut satu riwayat Warsy daripada Imam Nafi’, Imam Abu Amru, Imam Ibn ‘Amir dan Imam Ya’qub.
Terdapat tiga cara membaca basmalah antara dua surah iaitu:-
  • Membaca satu persatu iaitu ayat terakhir surah dan berhenti. Kemudian membaca basmalah dan berhenti. Seterusnya membaca ayat pertama surah berikutnya.
  • Menyambung ketiga-tiganya (ayat terakhir surah, basmalah dan ayat pertama surah berikutnya) sekaligus dengan satu nafas.
  • Berhenti pada akhir surah. Seterusnya membaca basmalah dan ayat pertama surah berikutnya sekaligus dalam satu nafas.

Walau bagaimanapun, ada satu lagi cara yang mungkin dilakukan iaitu membaca ayat terakhir surah dan basmalah sekaligus dengan satu nafas. Kemudian membaca ayat pertama surah berikutnya.

Namun, cara ini ditegah kerana boleh membawa kekeliruan.

Orang yang mendengar mungkin tersalah anggap bahawa basmalah itu ialah ayat terakhir surah itu.

Di antara Surah al-Anfal dan Surah at-Taubah

Istimewanya, di antara kedua-dua surah ini, kita tidak boleh membacakan basmalah jika membaca sehingga ayat terakhir surah al-Anfal dan menyambung ke surah at-Taubah pula.
Terdapat tiga cara membaca secara bersambungan antara surah al-Anfal dan surah at-Taubah:-
  • Berhenti di akhir surah al-Anfal. Kemudian membaca ayat pertama surah at-Taubah
  • Melakukan saktah iaitu berhenti tanpa bernafas dengan kadar dua harakat antara ayat terakhir surah al-Anfal dan ayat pertama at-Taubah
  • Menyambung terus kedua-dua ayat dengan satu nafas.

sumber : Raudhah Jiwa

Saturday Night Lecture Series

Her Majesty Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Raja Zarith Sofiah Binti Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah, Permaisuri Johor and the Chancellor of UTM has kindly grace Saturday Night Lecture series organised by CASIS, Centre for Advanced Studies on Islam, Science and Civilisation, a centre of excellence in UTM, in collaboration with Yayasan Raja Zarith Sofiah, Yayasan Ta’dib and HAKIM which was organised on 10 February 2018 at UTM Kuala Lumpur.


Saturday Night Lecture series started almost 30 years ago at the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), founded and directed by YM Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, a world renowned Malay thinker and reformer. The Lecture was his deliberation of the great ideas contained in many of his books which were read by contemporary Muslim scholars all over the world. The lecture series at ISTAC was abruptly suspended in 2002 due to certain unfortunate circumstances and it was only resumed in 2012 when Tan Sri al-Attas was appointed as distinguished visiting professor of CASIS UTM. He then delivered the lecture series for a period of 3 years.

Saturday Night Lecture series is about honouring a great scholar of Islam. It is a celebration of knowledge and scholarship. Saturday Night Lecture series reflects the culture of knowledge that is lacking in many parts of the Muslim World. It brings people together, from all walks of life, not only for the sake of personal quest for beneficial knowledge but also to find answers  and solutions to the contemporary problems facing the ummah.

Saturday Night Lecture series will be recorded in history, perhaps, as the longest lecture series ever held in the Malay World, which has received tremendous support from various interested and learned parties; its audience includes academics, diplomats, politicians, administrators, public servants, professionals, educators activists and students alike regardless of age.

The lectures discuss fundamental elements constituting the worldview of Islam, epistemic frameworks, the civilisational challenges confronting the ummah internally and externally, and provide intellectual means and solutions on how to address them.


UTM’s Kew Si Na attending Malaysia-Maldives Outstanding Youth Programme 2018

A city tour to Tsunami Memorial Maldives.

The purposes of this programme were to consolidate the global friendship bond between youth in Malaysia and Maldives, to foster the value of volunteerism in youth, to explore the knowledge and culture about Maldives, and to develop the potential of participants towards excellence.

The activities included of an educational visit to The Maldives National University to exchange ideas about education systems in particpants’ own countries and an activity related to corporate social responsibility such as beach clean-up activity to make an impact on the society.

A sharing session talk by Kew Si Na.

Besides that, another significant activity is the sharing session with local NGOs such as the Regional Alliance for Fostering Youth to introduce Malaysia and NGOs in Malaysia and cultural performances where the participants  performed traditional dances.

Moreover, they were also arranged to join a city tour led by local students in Male to understand the development of the capital, and also to join the beach activities such as island hopping and a sand bank tour to see the natural beauty surrounding Maldives.

Throughout the whole programme, they had exchanged cultural knowledge and ideas as well as built a global friendship that had enriched their learning journey.

Materials Lecture Competition 2018 | Call for Participants

Dear All,

Materials Lecture Competition (UTM-MLC 2018) at university level will be held to find a suitable candidate to represent UTM to national level. The details of the competition are as follow:

Date: 11 March 2018
Venue: FKM
Time: 8 AM– 5 PM

The Materials Lecture Competition 2018 (UTM-MLC2018) is open to all UTM students under 28 years old and participants must deliver a 15-minute presentation on a topic related to Materials or Minerals Science and Engineering

To take part in the UTM- MLC2018, please provide an abstract of maximum 150 words and submit the registration before 25 February 2018 at

For details of the competition, please download the e-poster attached or visit

If you have any enquiries, feel free to email us at

Best regards and thank you very much.

Invitation to Participate in the Malaysia’s First Cellular Internet-of-Things Hackathon

“Hack for Good” is the first of its kind, end-to-end cellular Narrow Band Internet of Things (NB-IoT) hackathon covering the complete ecosystem from device, connectivity, IoT platform to apps, to provide a unique opportunity to university students and professionals to build IoT based solutions relevant for Malaysia.

“Hack for Good” is open to all university students and professionals. Register for free at by 26th February 2018.


UTM students in OGIP 2018

There is always more to university life than mere academic achievements. On 25th Jan 2018, Derek Chung Zhong Kang, a petroleum engineering student from Society of Petroleum Engineers UTM Student emerged as first runner up in the Oil and Gas Intellectual Parade (OGIP) Paper Competition, which took place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

As a fourth year student having to juggle between studies and final year project, the overwhelming pressure, however, did not stop him from participating in international competitions and bringing glory to SPE-UTM SC.

Alongside Derek were another 8 second year students who participated in the Smart Competition and Oil Rig Design Competition of the same prestigious event. They are the perfect portrayal of passionate young talents and we are truly proud of them.

Please visit our Facebook page for more news!



UTM-LCARC, JPBW and ISI Exhibit and Promote Malaysia’s “Science to Action” (S2A) Approach to Low Carbon, Sustainable Communities at WUF9

Kuala Lumpur, 10th February – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), through the UTM-Low Carbon Asia Research Centre (UTM-LCARC) that is based in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (JPBW), Faculty of Built Environment, and the Institut Sultan Iskandar (ISI) organise an exhibition and a side event at the 9th Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9) at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on 7-13 February 2018.

Organised every two years by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the WUF is the largest United Nations conference on urban development and cities.  Held for the second time in an Asian city, the forum features over 500 events, including assemblies, high-level roundtable talks, dialogues, side events and exhibitions.  WUF9, themed “Cities 2030, Cities for All: Implementing the New Urban Agenda”, focuses among others on advancing sustainable urban development and low carbon communities and is expected to be attract over 25,000 people from 193 countries.

Through WUF9, JPBW showcases UTM-LCARC’s latest work and achievements in advancing city-level sustainability and climate change action plan-making through the “Science to Action” (S2A) approach, which involves scientific evidence-based policy-making through multiple stakeholder engagements and real policy implementation in Iskandar Malaysia, Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur and Pengerang.  Also featured are research and consultancy works by the Centre for Innovative Planning and Development (CIPD) that straddle multiple disciplines of transportation and logistics, tourism, urban design and rural development.

Institut Sultan Iskandar (ISI), UTM’s gazetted, independent not-for-profit research and development company specialising in planning and development, showcases its high-profile flagship MIT-UTM Malaysia Sustainable Cities Program that started in 2014.  The MIT-UTM MSCP mission is to study and document sustainable city development efforts in Malaysia. Visiting scholars from around the world spend September-December each year conducting research in Malaysia. They then spend February-May at MIT developing research findings into instructional materials to enhance and extend the teaching of sustainable city development across universities in the global South. The MSCP is housed in the Science Impact Collaborative in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT, and ISI at UTM.
